I closed the door and locked it behind me. I walked out onto the street and several men's heads turned. I hailed a taxi and three tried to stop, almost causing an accident. I told the driver where I wanted to go, while letting him get his look at me without rebuffing him.

It took a while to get there, but when we did the cabby asked with concern, "You sure you don't want me to wait for you miss?" He asked as he leaned down to see me though the open passenger window.

I smiled, "No, but thank you."

I watched him leave and then glanced around; nobody else appeared to be around. I turned to the battered garage door of an even more battered looking warehouse. I slid the door up all the way after I unlocked it. Everything was just where I had left it.

Two years ago my father had found me and he had tried to buy my affection as he did with all his many children, but I hadn't wanted any of it and this was only the second time I had seen the stuff. Boxes full of dresses worth thousands of dollars each and never worn, jewelry and hand bags and pretty much all a girl could ask for was crammed into the space. There was probably a quarter of a million dollars worth of merchandise sitting in this old garage.

I really should just drop the stuff off at a Goodwill or something so somebody could get some use out of it. About a quarter of a million was what the car probably cost too. That was what I had come for. Not much was going to make me feel better right now, but speed might. I just hoped it would start though. The keys lay on the seat.

The interior lights of the car's rich interior lit up. That was a good sign, hopefully there would still be enough battery left to start it, assuming the mice hadn't chewed the starter wires off or the gas had gone bad. I turned the key and without hesitation the convertible came alive with a husky purr. The car was brand new and had only had five miles on it.

I allowed myself to experience a little anticipation of the open road ahead, as I slipped it into gear and eased out on the clutch. I pulled it out of the garage and almost left the garage door open thinking it would be best to just leave it so and give some lucky street person a break and let them find the stash and benefit from it.

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