I nodded. Two men? The plot was certainly thickening. "Nobody heard this man's name?" I asked, holding up the sketch of the man again and they all nodded no. "Thank you for your time and cooperation. I may need some of you to testify as to what you've told me so don't any of you leave town, understand?"

On a chorus of nods we left the back stage area and headed back out into the noise and lights. Once in the car I pressed my hand to my forehead and kept the pressure there for a moment.

"Headache?" Rafferty asked.

I nodded.

"Maybe you should take a sleeping pill or two? You need to get some rest." He said in evident concern.

I smiled, my little watch dog was worried about me as usual. "I'll be fine. Call our lover boy in and see if we have an address."

He sighed, but complied. "Got it! He's housed in a swanky apartment complex five blocks from here. I put the car in gear and we eased out into traffic.

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