"Have any of you seen this man?"

Down to the last one they nodded no. Puzzled I asked, "Exactly what did happen?"

The brunette looked around and then spoke. "We got into costume and got to our positions and started doing our thing. The place was just like this one. A bunch of men came in from another room and acted like the men do here, but they weren't for real, it was like they were acting or something. They brought Philippe in. He was unconscious and they sat him down at a table. I saw a man inject him with something. A little while later Philippe came awake and started enjoying himself, as usual, as he watched us."

"Wait! Wait! You knew the man they brought in unconscious?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, his name is Philippe Valo. He's a pretty regular customer of ours. He's gone for a couple of months at a time and then he's back almost every night until he leaves again. The girls like him. He's not real mean like a lot of them can be when they've had a few, and he's always got money."

"All right back to what happened." I said directing her back on course.

"Well nothing happened for a while, until this big serious dude came in. He gave me the heebie geebies, in a good way, if you know what I mean." She added with a nervous laugh that gritted on my nerves. Most of the other girls had responded in kind to the mention of the 'serious dude'.

I sighed heavily; it was like dealing with a class of two year olds. Yelling wouldn't do any good. "Then what happened?" I continued.

"Well he went to Philippe's table and Philippe got a real serious expression on his face. I think he was scared. He and the man talked for probably over an hour and Philippe wrote something down on a paper and then the big man left."

"What happened to Philippe then?"

A blond from the end of the line spoke up, "I think they slipped him a micky in his drink, because he fell back asleep on the table."

"Then what?"

"They told us to go home and paid us what they said they would."

I held up the sketch, "Is this the man that talked to Philippe?"

The brunette smile widely, "It sure is! I..." I held up my hand to cut off any further lurid conversation.

"Have any of you seen this man since then?"

The same blond as before spoke up, "I overheard two of them say they were going to interrogate another man in the next room when they were done with Philippe."

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