Instead of going directly back to the Chateau, Alannah noticed a meandering path off to one side, she decided to take that path to give her some more quiet time. The path took her past several of the out buildings, a small farmhouse with sheep in the apsture. She could not shake the allure that Port Lira had over her, even for a short time. This thought was foremost in her mind, and as though guided by Fate she came upon an open tool shed near the back garden where Nicolò often works. In the tool shed she spied something hanging from the back wall, there was an old tarp that covered some boxes and other things. Alannah went into the shed to investigate to object on the backwall, and there she found an old bicycle with a metal basket and cracked plastic flowers attached to the handlebars. She smiled at the appearance of the bicycle. Alannah went further into the shed until she could reach the bicycle, then she attempted to lift it from the hooks that secured it to the wall. When she was finally able to get the bicylce off of the hooks, she set it on its wheels and rolled it to an open area, then leaned her weight on it in order test the tires. They were a little flat, so Alannah looked around for a pump, when she found it she proceeded to pump the tires full of fresh air.

Elated, she looked around to see who was watching. She saw Patick watching her from afar, and out of the corner of her eye she spied Nicolò talking with a very attractive young lady. She cocked her head to one side and tried to listen to the conversation, the only thing she heard was the young lady telling Nicolò where he could find her, before she walked away. Heavy hearted she walked the bicycle to the top of the hill, watching as the young lady went down the hill to speak to Patrick. "I wonder if that is one of his daughters." Shrugging her shoulders she kept going, and soon reached the path that led downwards to where she thought she saw a road in the distance.

Alannah had not been used to bicycles as the last time she was allowed to ride one she was but a yound girl, and even then her father told her that it was inappropriate for a girl of her stature to be seen on a barbaric toy. Lost in though she began coasting downhill, she tried to keep her speed down to avoid getting into an accident. On her trek down the hill, she could feel a moist, cool breeze. She closed her eyes but for a moment to relish the feeling of the wind blowing her long hair out behind her. Shelooked up at the sky and saw puffy white clouds overhead. "Perhaps I should have brought a sweater," she mused when the sun momentarily hidden behind a cloud. Not long after the sun disappeared, it soon returned, bringing back its warmth. She was soon further down the hill, her confidence renewed, and the thought of the adventure to follow fresh in her mind. Copyright 2016 - 2025