The perplexity and astonishment of madame, were by the late scene

heightened to a very painful degree. She recollected the various

particulars relative to the southern division of the castle, the many

years it had stood uninhabited--the silence which had been observed

concerning it--the appearance of the light and the figure--the

fruitless search for the keys, and the reports so generally believed;

and thus remembrance presented her with a combination of

circumstances, which served only to increase her wonder, and heighten

her curiosity. A veil of mystery enveloped that part of the castle,

which it now seemed impossible should ever be penetrated, since the

only person who could have removed it, was no more.

The marquis arrived on the day after that on which Vincent had

expired. He came attended by servants only, and alighted at the gates

of the castle with an air of impatience, and a countenance expressive

of strong emotion. Madame, with the young ladies, received him in the

hall. He hastily saluted his daughters, and passed on to the oak

parlour, desiring madame to follow him. She obeyed, and the marquis

enquired with great agitation after Vincent. When told of his death,

he paced the room with hurried steps, and was for some time silent. At

length seating himself, and surveying madame with a scrutinizing eye,

he asked some questions concerning the particulars of Vincent's death.

She mentioned his earnest desire to see the marquis, and repeated his

last words. The marquis remained silent, and madame proceeded to

mention those circumstances relative to the southern division of the

castle, which she thought it of so much importance to discover. He

treated the affair very lightly, laughed at her conjectures,

represented the appearances she described as the illusions of a weak

and timid mind, and broke up the conversation, by going to visit the

chamber of Vincent, in which he remained a considerable time.

On the following day Emilia and Julia dined with the marquis. He was

gloomy and silent; their efforts to amuse him seemed to excite

displeasure rather than kindness; and when the repast was concluded,

he withdrew to his own apartment, leaving his daughters in a state of

sorrow and surprise.

Vincent was to be interred, according to his own desire, in the church

belonging to the convent of St Nicholas. One of the servants, after

receiving some necessary orders concerning the funeral, ventured to

inform the marquis of the appearance of the lights in the south tower.

He mentioned the superstitious reports that prevailed amongst the

household, and complained that the servants would not cross the courts

after it was dark. 'And who is he that has commissioned you with this

story?' said the marquis, in a tone of displeasure; 'are the weak and

ridiculous fancies of women and servants to be obtruded upon my

notice? Away--appear no more before me, till you have learned to

speak what it is proper for me to hear.' Robert withdrew abashed, and

it was some time before any person ventured to renew the subject with

the marquis. The majority of young Ferdinand now drew near, and the marquis

determined to celebrate the occasion with festive magnificence at the

castle of Mazzini. He, therefore, summoned the marchioness and his son

from Naples, and very splendid preparations were ordered to be made.

Emilia and Julia dreaded the arrival of the marchioness, whose

influence they had long been sensible of, and from whose presence they

anticipated a painful restraint. Beneath the gentle guidance of Madame

de Menon, their hours had passed in happy tranquillity, for they were

ignorant alike of the sorrows and the pleasures of the world. Those

did not oppress, and these did not inflame them. Engaged in the

pursuits of knowledge, and in the attainment of elegant

accomplishments, their moments flew lightly away, and the flight of

time was marked only by improvement. In madame was united the

tenderness of the mother, with the sympathy of a friend; and they

loved her with a warm and inviolable affection. Copyright 2016 - 2024