The purposed visit of their brother, whom they had not seen for

several years, gave them great pleasure. Although their minds retained

no very distinct remembrance of him, they looked forward with eager

and delightful expectation to his virtues and his talents; and hoped

to find in his company, a consolation for the uneasiness which the

presence of the marchioness would excite. Neither did Julia

contemplate with indifference the approaching festival. A new scene

was now opening to her, which her young imagination painted in the

warm and glowing colours of delight. The near approach of pleasure

frequently awakens the heart to emotions, which would fail to be

excited by a more remote and abstracted observance. Julia, who, in the

distance, had considered the splendid gaieties of life with

tranquillity, now lingered with impatient hope through the moments

which withheld her from their enjoyments. Emilia, whose feelings were

less lively, and whose imagination was less powerful, beheld the

approaching festival with calm consideration, and almost regretted the

interruption of those tranquil pleasures, which she knew to be more

congenial with her powers and disposition.

In a few days the marchioness arrived at the castle. She was followed

by a numerous retinue, and accompanied by Ferdinand, and several of

the Italian noblesse, whom pleasure attracted to her train. Her

entrance was proclaimed by the sound of music, and those gates which

had long rusted on their hinges, were thrown open to receive her. The

courts and halls, whose aspect so lately expressed only gloom and

desolation, now shone with sudden splendour, and echoed the sounds of

gaiety and gladness. Julia surveyed the scene from an obscure window;

and as the triumphal strains filled the air, her breast throbbed; her

heart beat quick with joy, and she lost her apprehensions from the

marchioness in a sort of wild delight hitherto unknown to her. The

arrival of the marchioness seemed indeed the signal of universal and

unlimited pleasure. When the marquis came out to receive her, the

gloom that lately clouded his countenance, broke away in smiles of

welcome, which the whole company appeared to consider as invitations

to joy. The tranquil heart of Emilia was not proof against a scene so

alluring, and she sighed at the prospect, yet scarcely knew why. Julia

pointed out to her sister, the graceful figure of a young man who

followed the marchioness, and she expressed her wishes that he might

be her brother.

From the contemplation of the scene before them, they

were summoned to meet the marchioness.Julia trembled with

apprehension, and for a few moments wished the castle was in its

former state. As they advanced through the saloon, in which they were

presented, Julia was covered with blushes; but Emilia, tho' equally

timid, preserved her graceful dignity. The marchioness received them

with a mingled smile of condescension and politeness, and immediately

the whole attention of the company was attracted by their elegance and

beauty. Copyright 2016 - 2024