Sam saw firewood in a metal log container on rollers at the side of the metal storage shed. He rolled it into the sunroom. He started a fire in the fireplace in what could be a livingroom or maybe a tv room or could be even an office area. The men unloaded the family's recliners, and reclining sofas. Maggie had swept and mopped the floor.

​ In thirty minutes they all had a warm place to sleep. It might not have been beds but it would do for the night. Both sets of grandparents had their own recliners. Maggie's parents slept on a sofa that the ends reclined.. Sam and Maggie had the other reclining sofa. Even Sam's friends saw a couple of Victorian sofas in the house to sleep on.

​ Tthe next day Sam and his friends measured the window panes then cut one of the sunroom side windows into the panes that would be used to replace the broken panes. After they repaired the entrance area Maggie dusted then swept and mopped the floor and staircase. Sam and his friends used the plywood to board up the side of the sunroom which now needed to be repaired.

​ The three men started unloading the beds while Maggie's mother and her cleaned the bedrooms on the first floor. Two rooms was for the grandparents The third bedroom Maggie's mother Isabella cleaned for her husband and her. The family decided to move the two victorian sofas into the entrance area and positioned a couple of end tables and coffee tables in front of the sofas facing the windows. Copyright 2016 - 2025