Maggie found two victorian style lamps in the attic. After cleaning the lamps she sat them on the end tables. She also found some pictures that would go great in that area. Both sets of grandparents stated the entrance area made them feel at home. They all had been raised in victorian style houses.

Sam's friends had electrican licenses and inspected the house. In no time the wires of the house was repaired. The men also got the furnace up and running Two bedrooms on the second floor Maggie picked out for their bedroom and the the nursery was swept and mopped.

Maggie's mother picked out one on the second floor. She wanted to use it as a sewingroom. Sam's friends sat up a couple of twin beds in one room for them to share. After the men was done with setting up the beds they put up the two cribs in the nursery. Maggie thought it would do although she would have perferred to have the walls painted first.

She didn't think it would be too much longer before the twins would arrive. She was having some signs every so often then the contractions would stop again. She knew that was false labor pains she was feeling..The next morning after pancakes and bacon Sam's friends left and headed up north to Wisconsin. Copyright 2016 - 2025