The first floor pane windows in the entrance area were broken and needed to be replaced. Maggie saw the most beautiful staircase going to the second floor. The upper floor windows seemed to be in tact and just needed cleaning. They pulled around the house to the back enterance and saw the most beartiful sunroom. Sam noticed big sections of plywood probably sub flooring laying on the concrete floor.

​ It was very cold when they walked into the house. After a quick walk through Sam went to see what was in the metal shed. He came out wirh a tub ,ladder and a really long handle brush of some kind. He placed the tub in the fireplace and proceeded up to the second floor. Maggie could hear him walking around opening and closing doors. From one of the second floor balconies he climbed up to the roof.

​ It wasn't long untill she heard a thump and thought he had fallen into the fireplace. When she went to investigate she found bird;s nest and other gunk in the tub. She realized he was cleaning out the chimney. When he came back down she showed him all of the gunk he got out of the fireplace. Sam just nodded and smiled then took the ladder and left it in the sunroom. Copyright 2016 - 2025