When she arrived, she met James at the door of her office. “Hi, Doc!” He greeted her with a smile. “I wondered if you would be here, you are usually early and it is pushing 11 now.” She nodded at him and opened her door.

“Come on in. We have quite a few things to cover today and I have three others scheduled as well. We need to get started.”

They spent the next hour discussing his topic and the pros and cons for it. She was helping several of them get things in order for their thesis even though they had a year before they had to get so detailed about it. This way, they had a head start on it and they would not be so overwhelmed.

Her day was quick and easy. She worked with her students and then spent some time getting their upcoming terms ready for the new class. She had a special group that she would give an assignment over the break and she wanted it all ready. With only three classes tomorrow for mid-terms and two on Thursday then her special group on Friday, she wanted to finish everything out and make sure it was all ready to begin again when they returned.

Instead of spending her break working, as she had planned, it looked like she would be “working” for the department again. She needed to make sure everything else was clear so that she could focus and do what needed to be done. She wanted to get this part over with so that she could go back to her simple way of life once and for all.

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