That evening, she and Johnnie spent several hours going over everything that he had with him. She did a little research into the schools that were located in the towns of the latest victims. Surprisingly, she found that she had been in contact with each of them so far. That meant, that if the pattern continued to hold, the next body would be found in Jackson and there would be one taken from there. If the pattern continued that is. There was no guarantee that it would. At this point, it was just conjecture and theory.

They worked into the night, maps, discussions, and possibilities flying everywhere. They came to the decision that they should alert the Jackson area, as well as the ladies here. It would be up to them if they chose to do anything about it. That evening, though, it seemed that the news had already taken it up and had given him a name. They had, thankfully, not given out certain details and it was a small wonder that they did not have a copy of the picture. Surprisingly, that detail and her face and name had been omitted from everything and she hoped to keep it that way. Copyright 2016 - 2025