She drifted off to sleep and she dreamed more, but this time, the dreams were full of a rather large man and boy did he make her smile. During the night, Johnnie looked in on her from time to time and he noticed that she slept peacefully.

He smiled as he stood looking in on her. Lord, he had been in love with her since she was about 18 years old. But being 6 years older, he never once tried to do anything about it. Now, at their age, it was not such a big deal, but to her, he was just Johnnie, her big brother, her confidant, her friend. He wished that would change, but for them, it never would. She would never get past the fact that he was supposed to be her shield. He would do what he promised; he would take care of her.

The next morning, Angeline quickly got ready for work. She had slept later today than she had in the past three years! She knew that it was due to Johnnie being there. She felt safe with him in her home and she slept well after that first dream. If she did not hurry, she would be late for her first tutoring session and she had never been late for anything. She left Johnnie a note, he had finally slipped off to sleep sometime this morning and she let him sleep in. Copyright 2016 - 2025