Realizing that Lynns number was on her phone which was in the living room not charged upset her to tears. What to do now? Her only option was to crawl to her phone or ... no she couldn't possibly do that.. .the thought crossed her mind but then shaking her head she pushed it aside..there was no way she was calling Dave. It was the only number she knew off to call but she promised herself that she would wait for him to contact her.

Wrapping up her foot again so she wouldn't drag blood on the floor to which it was bleeding more.. she crawled in pain to her phone. Taking a break she tried turning on her phone again but to no avail. She thought of removing the battery and putting it back in to regain some life it in. Doing so it did turn on just enough to get a phone number for Lynn. Climbing up on the chair near her house phone she quickly dialed Lynns number. Just as she did her phone died again.

Someone was watching over her giving her the strength to crawl to her phone and giving her the couple of seconds on her phone to get that number. She never believed in that stuff until she had moved here. Copyright 2016 - 2025