Hitting the snooze on the alarm clock her eyes popped open. 'Oh no, I forgot to charge my phone.' Jumping out of bed she totally forgot about her foot and stepped on it. It made her scream as she colapsed to the floor. Sitting there on the floor with tears in her eyes from the pain she now has caused, she looked at her foot. The gauze that is around her foot was stained with blood. Not much but enough to alarm her.

Still sitting on the floor she reached up to the pill bottle she had resting on the night stand and took a couple of them. Swallowing them down with the water she had also had there she squinched in pain. This pain was worse than when she first did it. 'What have I done?' she said to herself. She was afraid to look.

Taking a deep breath she started to unravel the guaze terrified at what she would find. Slowly trying not to hurt it anymore she managed to remove the last of it. It was sticking together with the blood which was more than she thought. Looking at it she noticed the stitches has bust opened making more tears in her skin. The pain was unbearable and the pills aren't kicked in yet. Too early to call into work she decided to call Lynn, who she thought would be up getting ready for work. She had to let her know and make her way to work somehow.

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