"Hello" Lynn said as she picked up the phone.

"Lynn, it's Sandra." Sandra was shaking, the pain continued making her feel cold and nervous all at once. Lynn heard it in her voice.

"Whats wrong?" Lynn asked now worried.

"I won't be going into work. I have to make my way back to the hospital. I woke up this morning forgetting about my foot and stepped hard on it. I busted the stitches and its now bleeding. I can't walk on it or even stand. I had to crawl to get my phone to call you."

"Oh my. Would you like me to come and take you to the hospital?" Lynn asked.

"Your car is over here." Sandra said. "All I would like you to do is let work know that I won't be in until later. It's too early to call right now but will try and call as soon as I can. I will get a cab to take me to the hospital."

"You will need help to get to the car. I will get my husband to take me to your house and get my car and I will take you." Lynn said.

"That would be so kind of you but I can't ask you to do that for me." Sandra said.

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