The drive to the beach was beautiful. She hasn’t been on this route before. Taking in all the sights and the conversation they were having she was happy.

He didn’t speak about his kids or their mother nor did he speak of work. They spoke about the beautiful scenery and a little about her.

“How long have you been in Mt. Rushmore?” He asked when they pulled out of the gas station.

“About seven months now. I love it here and I love my job. The people there are wonderful.”

“Do you hang out with your co workers off work hours?”

“No, they have asked me to go out with them but after a long days work and spending all day with them, I don’t want to spend any more time with them. I know that it is mean but to be honest, I am not very socialable. I am sort of a loner.”

“Then I feel special then.” He said with a smile.

You are special. She wanted to say but didn’t want to say it to him. She kept it inside.

He did catch a smile and knew from that, that the answer was yes. Silence crept over them for a few minutes as they took in more of the beautiful scenery. Copyright 2016 - 2025