​ The week before the event was due to happen the group along with a few of Dr. Watson's employees at the lake sat the scenery. Dr. Watson himself went to a facility that was producing these little lake creatures using DNA genes of multiple water animals. Most of these little animals did not survive during the experiment and was put on ice for Dr. Watson.

​ The night before the scedule event was to occur there was a considerable amount of shooting stars in the sky and the television media did a story on it. The night of the event in a different part of the country a comet was video taped and shown on the news . Shortly after midnight the group staged their event They used an experimental plane that resembled an ufo. They put the phony ufo on pontoons and placed it in the lake along with the little water creatures.

​ The next day on one of the university's talk show it was was televised. So far the project was going as planned. The plaques was installed at the house and the newspaper ran the advertisement for people who had been adducted to come to the phony office of Dr. Watson. Saddie took over a hundred appointment request to see Dr. Watson. Dr. Watson decided to hold several group meetings . At first the group was split by gender and age. Further along by the accountings of the participants.

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