​ The group was very convinced they had been adductedby the alien ufo and taken up to their mother ship which they described the experimental air craft to a tee. One man in his fourties claimed they had done some experimental surgeries on him. He even claimed they had adducted some of the farm animals in the fields close to the lake and thought he had even witnessed them experimenting and developing those lttle lake animals.

​ Dr. Watson was very concerned about him because he had detected a mental illness in the man which could possibile cause him to become violent when the truth about the project came to light. He knew they would have to one day

​ The man called himself John Smith. Dr. Watson had a gut feeling that he wasn't exactly telling the truth about something. He asked Cassandra to check him out. The address was phony. The security guard at the university in the man's town of Brownsfield said there were no house at the location. Then he recieved the background check on the man. The man that had lived in the house at that location died their in a house fire. Witnesses that saw the fire stated there was strange lights in the sky over that location that night.

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