​ Then they would do a fake article in their newspaper that something went down in the lake and would advertise for people who claim they have been adducted by aliens at the lake that night to come to Saddie's home office to fill out forms and be seen by Dr. Watson. They would put up Dr. Watson's name plaque on the inside on the wall by the office door. The house was a two story house with an office on the first floor.

​ . On the outside by the door they could put up another plaque stating the office was named The Alien Adduction Recovery Association.It would have to be approved by the board first.The think tank project's board would meet in two days so that left plenty of time to figure out every step of the project to a tee.

They worked out all the steps and presented it to the board with another project also which the think tank office building could be used for this project which would be called The Name Project. It would be done on paper using the form in their newspaper about how a person perrceives a person by their name only.

​ The day after the meeting Saddie wrote the newspaper article about the forth coming meteorite / astroid event and in the newspaper article read that seventyfive percent of these events are followed by ufo sightings. A lot of conspiracy theory believers called the think tank newsletter to get additioanl copies for friends. They were told they could pick up additional copies at the office or go online and copy the article.

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