"You mean fatter."

"Shut up, you little brat."

"Both of you shut up!" Samantha broke in. "Rebecca, you're better at handling the children than Wendell is. That's why I need you here. Understand?"

"I guess."

"Good." Samantha bent down to look Uncle Hector in the eye. "I'm sorry about this. Rebecca will take good care of you until Miss Brigham gets back."

"It's all right, Lucy. Go find your friend."

"Thanks." Then she took Wendell's arm and set out.


Samantha wished she hadn't been saddled with Wendell. She could have covered more ground on her own. Wendell was a hard worker and smart too, but his legs were a lot shorter than hers. She had to hold back in order for him to keep up.

"Everyone makes fun of me, but I'm going to show them," Wendell said. "I'm going to help you bring Prudence back. Then they'll know I'm just as tough as David."

"Not everyone has to be tough," Samantha said.

"Boys do."

"Only bullies like David have to be tough. You're too good to be like him."

"I hate being so little. It's not fair. I'm just as old as he is but he gets to be so much bigger and stronger. Why would God do that to us?"

"Maybe he has other plans for you," Samantha said. She didn't really want to get into this right now, though it did help distract her from grisly thoughts about Prudence.

"Maybe. I just wish I could be bigger. Then they wouldn't call me a girl all the time."

"You're not a girl, but even if you were there wouldn't be anything wrong with it. I'm a girl, aren't I?"

"Yes, but you're different from the other girls."

"Because of my boobies?"

"Not just that. You're tough, like a boy. You'd never let anyone pick on you."

"That's true, but no one will think less of you if you don't fight."

"David will. So will the other boys."

"Well I won't." She stopped so she could turn and look Wendell in the eye. "There's nothing wrong with you the way you are, Wendell. Anyone who doesn't realize that is a fool."

He stared at her for a moment and then nodded. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. Now come on, we got a lot of ground to cover."


Rebecca sat on the front steps of the church, watching over Mr. Delgado. He had taken something out of his pocket and lit it on fire. Every now and then a puff of smoke would come from his mouth. "What is that?" she finally asked.

"A cigarette. It's not something for little girls."

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