The dog took a few steps closer, enough that she could see its black shape that if the animal stood would be almost as tall as her if it stood on its hind legs. The dog opened its mouth to reveal a set of sharp yellow fangs that would have no problem tearing Prudence to pieces. She put out a hand in supplication. "Please don't hurt me," she said. "I don't have any food."

The dog paid no attention to her. She knew that to it she was the food. Mr. Pryde had trained the beasts as guard dogs to keep the children from leaving the town; it hadn't mattered to him whether the children survived or not.

Prudence took a few steps with her hand still raised. With her other hand she felt around for a stick or rock to use as a weapon. If only Samantha were here, she would know what to do. She would know how to fight the monsters. Yet it was Samantha's fault Prudence was out here to start with.

As the dog finally lunged at her, Prudence grabbed the nearest stick she could find. It wasn't very thick, less than an inch wide. She brought it around in a wild arc, hoping to hit the animal in the head. She managed only to hit its right flank and not hard enough to stop it as it leaped onto her.

Prudence screamed as the monster's jaws snapped at her. It glared down at her with its terrible yellow eyes, as if it were deciding which part of her to devour first. She closed her eyes to wait for the end. She supposed the other children would all find some amusement in the fattest child on Eternity being eaten alive. They would probably laugh and say she had deserved it for her years of gluttony. Even Samantha would probably join in to mock her.

The weight on Prudence lifted. She opened her eyes to find the beast no longer staring down at her. She sat up and saw the dog standing a few feet away, its rump turned to her. Then she heard another growl that overlapped the first. A second set of yellow eyes appeared.

The two dogs began to growl in unison as they circled each other. After a moment Prudence realized they were fighting over her. She would be the prize for the winner. She had to get out of here before that happened.

While the dogs continued to growl and circle, Prudence slithered back a few inches. She made sure to go slow so as not to alert them to her plan. She receded a few more feet without them noticing her. Copyright 2016 - 2024