"I'm fine," Miss Brigham said. "I just need to get some fresh air."

She crept outside, where she found Hector asleep by the fire, Samantha pressed against him as if she were using him for a blanket. Miss Brigham stood on the top step. She imagined herself there instead of Samantha, Hector's arm around her shoulder. His hand would stroke her hair and then it would move down-

Miss Brigham stopped herself before she could go further. She hurried down the steps and then down the path away from town. Once she found a clear spot among the brush, she stepped off the path. She got down onto her knees and then pressed her head to the ground.

Oh Lord, she thought. I'm so sorry. I know I shouldn't have these impure thoughts, but I can't help myself. It's been so long since I saw another adult, let alone a strong, handsome man like Hector. I've been so alone these past five years. Samantha and Rebecca and the others have been a comfort, but there are things they can't do. There are things I need that they can't provide, that not even you can provide.

Or maybe you did provide them. Is this a sign? Did you send Hector to me? Miss Brigham stopped her prayer. Had the Lord sent Hector to her as a reward or as a test? Perhaps He wanted to see if she would stray, if she would give in to her temptations. I don't want to stray, she thought. I'm just so lonely. Please help me, Lord. Tell me what to do.

As she prayed, she heard something rattle the brush up the path. Her body stiffened as she remembered what Samantha had said about Mr. Pryde's awful creatures. Some of them were still alive and roaming the woods. She hadn't thought they would be this close to town, but perhaps the storm had driven them here.

She rolled from her kneeling position to flatten herself against the ground. If she stayed perfectly still and quiet, the monster might pass her by. To be on the safe side, she even held her breath. Help me, Lord, she thought. Save me.

She had begun to see white spots exploding in her vision when she saw the source of the sound. It was not one of those dreadful beasts at all, not unless they'd learned to walk on two legs and taken to wearing shoes. She considered who might be walking around at this hour when she smelled that dreadful smoke.

Hector! He must have seen her and come to find her. He had been concerned about her safety and wanted to make sure no harm came to her. She finally let out the breath she'd been holding in a romantic sigh.

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