"One of these rafters might work," Rebecca said. Then she frowned. "They're awful heavy-looking."

"If we can find some rope we should be able to drag it."

"Just the two of us?"

"Make that three," Prudence said. She had opted for the burgundy dress. It was a size or two big on her, the skirt going down to her ankles and the bosom drooping. "Do you like it?"

"You look gorgeous!" Samantha gushed.

"It needs a little alteration. If I had my needle and thread-"

"We can dig for that later. Right now we need to get some rope so we can drag the rafter back to Uncle Hector."

"Couldn't we use that net over there?" Prudence asked. She pointed to the net lying by the front steps, the one Samantha had used for Uncle Hector's stretcher.

"That might work." Samantha patted her friend's shoulder. "Good thinking."

"Thank you," Prudence said and blushed. Then they set to work.


It took a long time for them to drag the rafter. They had draped the net around the rafter and then used a smaller bit of rope in order to close part of the net. They left enough open for them to use to drag the board.

While they walked, Samantha filled Prudence in on their plan. "If this all works, then we can get Uncle Hector's boat working again and go to the mainland."

"So you can bring supplies back?"

"I suppose, for anyone who wants to stay."

"Why wouldn't we stay?" Prudence asked. Rebecca gave Samantha a knowing look.

"Well, I'm just saying if anyone wants to, they could go live on the mainland."

"You mean like you and your uncle?"

"I suppose, yes."

Prudence dropped her section of the net. "I knew it," she mumbled. "I knew you were still going to leave me behind."

"Prudence, no. I don't want to leave you behind. I want you to come along. Uncle Hector says it will be fine. We'll make up a story about how we were both kidnapped by Reverend Crane and how we escaped and then you can stay with us. We'll be like sisters!"

"Can't we be like sisters here?"


"Eternity is my home. It's the only place I've ever known." She gestured to the rafter. "And everything is in such a shambles. I can't leave now. Who will look after the children?"

"Miss Brigham can. And Rebecca."

Prudence turned her gaze to Rebecca. "You're staying? I would have thought you'd go with Samantha."

"I like it here. And you're right: there's work that needs done to rebuild."

"You two aren't any fun at all. Don't you want to see all the exciting things on the mainland?"

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