They didn't have much to eat the next morning. Samantha, David, and some of the boys went down to the barns. These had survived much better than the buildings in town. Samantha was glad to see her cows and sheep had all made it. But half the cows and chickens had died, including their only bull.

She gathered what few eggs there were while the boys milked the cows. David wanted to drag the dead bull back, but Samantha shook her head. "He's been rotting for a day or two now. Someone could get sick."

"If they get sick then we use the water."

"On everyone at the same time? You know how messy that could get?"

"If you're afraid-"

"I'm not afraid. I'm just not stupid," Samantha said. She glared at David until he backed down, dragging the bull away to burn along with the chickens.

To supplement the eggs, they picked some berries, ones Samantha knew were safe. Later she would have to have David and some of the boys kill a deer or catch some fish. At least the crops had mostly survived so they could have some meal this winter. Until then, they would have to forage and hunt as best they could.

Helena of course grumbled about their meager breakfast. "This isn't fair. I'm still hungry."

"We're all hungry-"

"Especially Prudence," Phyllis grumbled, prompting her and Helena to cackle.

Samantha saw Prudence's cheeks turn red at this. Uncle Hector came to her defense before Samantha could. "You two knock it off or I'll knock some sense into both of you. Samantha's doing her best. You little ingrates should be glad you get anything for all I've seen you do."

The two girls looked down at the floor. "Sorry," they mumbled, though Samantha knew better. For some reason Helena and Phyllis never could get along with the others. Perhaps in time they would grow out of it.

After breakfast, Samantha gathered everyone together. "I think our priorities right now should be finding food and repairing Mr. Delgado's boat."

"Why should we care about his stupid boat?" David asked.

"If we can get his boat to sail, then we can go to the mainland and get supplies: food, clothes, tools, and so forth. Then Helena won't have to complain about her empty tummy anymore."

"You just want to fix his boat so you can go home to the other savages," Helena said as retribution.

"Helena, I have warned you about that. There are no savages," Rebecca said.

"That's what they want you to think. Then they'll take you over there and sacrifice you to their evil god," Phyllis said. Copyright 2016 - 2024