Samantha and Miss Brigham helped Prudence up to her feet. She nodded. "It feels fine. Thank you."

She still needed their help to free her from the wet, dirty clothes. Prudence closed her eyes as they tore the material away. Tears came to her eyes; Samantha suspected they were as much for ruining the fabric as the embarrassment of the situation.

"Don't worry, we'll find you a needle and thread and you can fix it."

"I doubt it."

With another dress, Prudence dried herself off. Then she took the reverend's white robe from them. The hem of the robe pooled at Prudence's feet by a couple of inches, the sleeves overhanging her hands the same way Samantha's jacket did.

Prudence actually smiled as she flapped her arms. "I feel so little."

"You look cute," Samantha said.

"Now let's get you to bed, dear." Miss Brigham and Samantha helped Prudence back onto the pew. She looked for a moment as though she would protest, but then her eyes closed. Before long, she was snoring like usual.


The other children were all settled into their pews. David and the other boys had returned an hour or two after Samantha, Prudence, and Wendell had arrived. After hearing what happened, David had grudgingly told Wendell, "Well done."

Uncle Hector said something similar to Samantha. "You did good, Lucy."


They sat outside, where they had built a bonfire with some of the ruined wood and Uncle Hector's lighter. He had insisted on sleeping outside, "under the stars." Samantha figured it was in part so he could smoke those awful cigarettes of his. He held one up and shook his head. "I should go easy on these. Not sure when I might get more."

Samantha snuggled against him; he put an arm around her shoulders. "When we get to the mainland, can I live with you?"

"Of course you can."

"What will you tell everyone who asks what happened to me? And why I look so young?"

"We'll just tell them you have a young face." He took a puff on his cigarette. "The rest we'll just say someone kidnapped you."

"They won't believe me."

"You don't tell them about this island and that magic water. Just tell them that Crane guy took you and locked you up for a while, until you escaped."

"That makes sense."

"Reverend Crane, did he ever…do anything to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did he ever…touch you? In a bad place? A private place?"

Uncle Hector's meaning finally sunk in. "No! He didn't do anything like that. He just whipped me once. Him and Mr. Pryde." Copyright 2016 - 2024