The biggest question on his mind has to be whether he will be able to continue to harness that anger he feels and still be able to pull this match off.

The last thing he needs right now is for a repeat of what went on in Atlanta. If he loses it, it will probably be the end of his wrestling career with the largest company in the world. This job means a lot to him, and now with a baby on the way, he feels even more pressure to keep it.

I sit beside him and then lean my chin on his shoulder. The scent of soap and something distinctly Xavier wraps around me as I quietly sit with him, wanting him to know just like always I’m here for him.

Xavier blows a rush of air out of his nose and then whispers, “What if I fuck up again? What happens to us?”

“Nothing,” I say and he turns to look at me with those crystal blue eyes of his and I repeat. “Nothing, because you will be in control this time.”

“What if I don’t?” The question he’s really asking is if he doesn’t change will I leave him.

I need to keep reassuring him. It’s the small part I need to play in his role to Xavier being in a better mental health state and knowing he doesn’t have to lash out to express his fears—that talking to me is always a better choice.

“I believe in you.” I touch his cheek with the tips of my fingers. “I love you, Xavier. Nothing is going to tear us apart. You’re well on your way to showing the rest of the world the good man you’ve kept locked up all these years, that I knew was in there all along.”

He cradles my face in his hands. “I love you, beautiful. Thank you for being my angel in the dark.”

He presses his lips to mine, but before our kiss gets too heated, Al’s voice cuts into the empty room. “X, you’re up.”

Xavier pulls back and stares into my eyes. “I want you in my corner. You belong there.”

I smile. “Then lead the way.”

Pandemonium erupts as Xavier’s entrance music starts. The fans have been waiting anxiously for his return and now they are about to get what they want. Tonight’s sold-out crowd is insane, faces are everywhere I look as I stand back and watch Xavier do his thing. My eyes rake over him as he stands there staring out at the crowd, his chiseled arms are on full display, and the fabric of the black tank top he’s wearing straining against his toned chest.

His face shows no emotion, and it’s intimidating. Rex better be on his A-game because Xavier is all business.

Xavier crouches down, and then jumps up in perfect time as fireworks shoot up from the stage. He throws his shoulders and head back as his signature howl erupts from his throat.

My God. This gets me every time.

My heart flutters at the sight of my powerful man.

He grabs my hand and then struts down the ramp like a warrior entering battle.

“The following match is scheduled for one fall,” the man in the ring announces. “Making his way to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing two hundred and sixty-five pounds, he is . . . Phenomenal X!”

“Stay right here.” Xavier kisses my cheek and then climbs into the ring and continues putting on a show for the crowd by running from corner to corner throwing a victorious fist in the air.

The announcer introduces Xavier’s opponent. “Making his way to the ring, from Hollywood, California, weighing two hundred and thirty pounds, your Tension champion, he is . . . Rex ‘Assassin’ Risen!”

Rex and Deena take their time making their way to the ring. Deena glares at me from the opposite corner as Rex steps inside the ring and holds the belt in the air.

The two men stare each other down and the crowd goes electric. Lots of signs with Xavier’s stage name written all over them. There’s no question who the fans are backing tonight.

Bright lights flicker overhead and a bell rings, signaling the beginning of the match. Xavier and Rex circle each other, and I grab the corner of the mat and shout encouragements to Xavier. My breath hitches the moment they lock up. Part of me doesn’t want to watch, but the other part of me wants to see Xavier unleash on Rex. Nervous energy passes through every inch of me because I have no idea what’s about to happen.

I just pray Rex doesn’t do something stupid and say something that will get him killed. Xavier has promised to work on his temper, but I think at this point his intension to keep a calm head can only be tested so much before he loses his mind.

Rex’s taunts earlier tonight didn’t help, but I have faith that somehow Xavier will dig deep inside himself and find a way to do this.

Rex twists around and catches Xavier in a headlock, but Xavier quickly shoves him off and grabs his wrist and lands a kick to his side.

This time it’s Xavier who wraps his arm around Rex’s neck and grunts as he pulls tight. Rex’s arms flail around wildly and then he elbows Xavier in the ribs, causing him to let go.

Xavier doesn’t give up though, because he grabs Rex’s arms and flings him into the ropes and lands a clothesline, knocking his opponent to the mat so hard the ring shakes.

Rex pushes himself up, and waves Xavier on. “Is that all you got?”

“Spear! Spear! Spear!” The crowd chants over and over, egging Xavier on to use one of his finishing moves on Rex.

Xavier bends at the waist and puts his hand on the mat in a football player three-point stance and then charges full speed at Rex. Cameras flash the moment Xavier makes contact and both men go flying.

A collective, “Ohh,” echoes through the massive room as Xavier tackles Rex down to the mat and then punches him once in the face.

Rex doesn’t make an attempt to get up, but Xavier isn’t finished with him yet. He crawls over to the corner of the ring and climbs up the turnbuckles until he’s balancing himself on the top rope. A six-foot-four man towering this high over the ring is really a sight to see. It’s spectacular.

Xavier stretches his arms out and then sends his body toward Rex. An audible crack echoes around the room, and I gasp. I’ve been around wrestling enough lately to know that sound means real pain, and I pray Xavier is all right.

I resist the urge to jump into the ring to check on him because doing that will stop the match, so I wait with baited breath to find out if Xavier is okay. I can barely watch to see what happens next.

Chapter 32


The minute my elbow makes contact with Rex’s chest, he grunts in pain. Granted we aren’t trained to actually land with that much force on our opponent, but this motherfucker deserves all the pain I can inflict on him. Copyright 2016 - 2024