She was as uncomfortable with him as he was with her. As soon as she was more than three feet away, she disappeared from his enhanced senses.

Xander didn't like the idea of letting someone who was able to evade him - and possibly connected to Jonny - just leave. He'd never be able to find her again to know why she was there in the first place.

"You need a ride?" he called as she started down the stairs.

"What do you drive?" she asked.

"Does it matter, if it gets you home?"

"I don't need a ride. I'm just curious."

"None of your business."

"Jackass." The whisper wasn't meant for his ears, but his enhanced hearing picked it up anyway.

"Great way to end the day with your new boss," he said, amused.

"If you don't fire me, I might just quit." She didn't sound convinced of her words, and there was something in her voice he couldn't name.

"You won't quit," he assessed. "I'll wait to fire you until I figure out why you're working for me in the first place."

"This is gonna be a long week."

He felt the same way. She left.

Xander had the urge to follow her to her car to ensure she left and didn't hide out on the main floor, waiting for him to appear, so she could kill him. His house was invaded by some sort of human he'd never dealt with before and never predicted he ever would. All the right angles she abhorred weren't taking the edge off of him this night. He realized what bothered him: If the unassuming woman turned out to be some sort of well-disguised assassin, he'd never know or sense her, until she was in front of him. Worse, she had the code to enter any time she wanted.

Fortunately, no human-made weapon was able to hurt him. Guns and knives were worthless, and he was pretty certain he could wrestle her down, if she tried any sort of hand-to-hand combat.

He pulled out his phone and texted Ingrid. What's the name of the babysitter?

April Madera, was her instant response. OMG, did she come by after cancelling? WTH?

He didn't answer. The woman in his condo said her name was Jessi. An unmistakable Natural with a unique talent, she was likely in the Guardians' databases. They tracked all Naturals. He was hungry, but dinner was going to wait a few hours. He had a new hunt to embark on.

Xander Traveled to the front doorstep of the local Guardian station, a ranch-style house located in a lower middle class area of Buena Park, south of LA. A decal with the symbol of the White God - a sun and moon with an arrow through it - was in the corner of one window. He sensed the ward he triggered and waited. When the door opened, there were weapons trained on him from the Guardians watching from the windows. Copyright 2016 - 2024