Chapter 128: Stunning two beauties

After venting off sufficiently, Long Ling’er sobered, then she moved away her head. And looking at that bloody wound on the shoulder of Long Yi, she fell into daze. Now her mouth was also stained with scarlet blood.

Raising her head, Long Ling’er met those clam eyes of Long Yi, currently looking at her with tenderness and pity.

“Bit enough? Are you more comfortable now, if not, then you can bite more!” Long Yi lightly laughed. Seeing Long Ling’er had vented off, he however was relieved. The appearance of her of just now really made him somewhat panic-stricken.

Tasting the blood in her mouth, Long Ling’er coldly said: “Do you know, your blood is very disgusting?”

“Don’t know, I always thought that my blood was very appetizing, otherwise why would some people wanted to drink my blood and eat my flesh?” Long Yi mischievously smiled while looking at Long Ling’er.

Long Yi coldly snorted and remain silent. After a good while, she said: “Just now, didn’t you say that you want to make up for me?”

“Yes, but it seems you said that it’s impossible to make up.” Long Yi laughed. He knew that Long Ling’er had again devised a plan, but he didn’t mind, he believed that as long as Long Ling’er didn’t make a too drastic move, sooner or later, she will fall in love with him. With regarding to his charm, Long Yi had certain confidence.

“Yes, you can’t make up, but having something is better that having nothing.” Long Ling’er coldly said. She had decided that today she would meet with this person whom she hated that most, then look for a place to end her own flowery life. She was alive only for revenge, and seeing it was impossible to get revenge, she had decided to commit suicide, but now she changed her mind, because the attitude of Long Yi gave her a hope, perhaps he might really fall in love with her.

So at this moment, two people’s battle of love officially started, both sides wanted to do their upmost to make other side fall in love them. As far as the result is concerned, it doesn’t seem to be important matter at present.

Today Lin Na was continuously feeling somewhat ill at ease. Since Ximen Yu had found her, she continuously had ominous foreboding all day long. As a matter of fact, early in this morning she had rushed to the Mercenary Guild and issued that mission. At that time she was so angry that her mind was muddled, so she issued the reward of 1000 Amethyst coins, but how could she possess 1000 Amethyst Coins ah? Although the leaders of Magician Guild and Mea Principality paid her high salary, but a large part of this salary was spent in the purchase of magic material as well as the research of magic. And although the allowance she got each month was also not few, but after accumulating it for several years, now she had altogether only 100 or so Amethyst coin.

But it’s not like she hadn’t considered everything, although she was not very clear of Long Yi’s strength, but she knew that he was definitely stronger than her, and she had also seen his speed personally. With his speed, even if he was unable to defeat, he should be able to flee easily. Thus this mission would remain incomplete, and after half a months, she could go to Mercenary Guild to cancel this mission. Thinking this, Lin Na was relieved.

“Grandpa, I’m back.” Lin Na pushed open the door, and called out loudly. Then was startled all of a sudden, because she smell a faint fragrance inside the room. Could it be that grandpa wants to find second spring? Lin Na couldn’t help but laughed strangely.

“Lin Na, there’s a guest, quickly come over.” The solemn voice of Puxiusi came from inside the study.

Lin Na answered and entered inside the study. Then she was stunned, as opposite to grandpa, two young girls were sitting. It seems they were master and servant. The young lady wore pure white priest robe, with the insignia of Nalan Empire’s Light Church, and she was Master Magician. Her appearance was truly lovely enough to cause the fall of a state with eyes as if dark green lake water, and eyebrows as if black distant mountain. Any man who saw her would lose their soul. And that maid was dressed in jade green silk robe, and her delicate and pretty face seemed very cute.

“You are the granddaughter of Teacher Puxiusi, Lin Na right, I heard you are soon going to reach Mage realm, I truly admire little sister very much.” Before Puxiusi introduced, that young girl stood up and smiled at Lin Na. Her sincere and amiable expression could made people to have good impression of her in the first sight.

“What admiration, where can little sister compare to you big sister ah. If little sister’s guess is correct, then big sister must be Nalan Empire’s princess, one of the three saintess of Light Church, Nalan Ruyue, little sister however has always admire big sister for a long time.” Lin Na enthusiastically said with a smile. Getting the complement from Nalan Ruyue made her feel very comfortable in her heart.

Two women exchanged pleasantries, leaving behind Puxiusi to dry in the sun at one side.

“Cough cough.” Puxiusi lightly coughed two times, and seeing he had successfully drawn the attention of two women, he said: “Princess Ruyue, I will consider the matters you have mentioned. Now the day is already late, so if you don’t dislike and avoid, then you can stay in my humble adobe for the night.”

“Good good, big sister Ruyue, how about you stay together with little sister, little sister really want to talk with big sister.” Lin Na excitedly said.

“Just like deference is no substitute for obedience, I also want to talk with younger sister.” Nalan Ruyue said with a light smile.

Late at night, Lin Na and Nalan Ruyue were lying on the big bed side by side. Now two rare exceedingly beautiful women under the heaven were together. This truly made the silver moon in the sky bleak.

“Big sister Ruyue, for what matter did you come to meet my grandpa this time?” Lin Na asked.

Nalan Ruyue sighed lightly and said: “Now it had already been nearly one years since us Nalan Empire and Proud Moon Empire are locked in stalemate in the border. No need to mention about wasting a large amount of manpower, materials and financial resources, the common people are also suffering. Moreover the situation is getting increasingly bad, all-out war might break out at any time. If that happens, then I am afraid the entire Blue Waves Continent will be engulfed in this war, and the circumstance of field littered with corpses, and blood flowing like rivers will be repeated. This time I am looking for Teacher Puxiusi to ask him to contact all five Master Archmages and Sword Saints, and request them to intervene in this war.”

Lin Na nodded her head, and her heart was somewhat worried. That conflict between two Magician Guilds of two empires in Huangmang small town, escalated to the war between two empires. If two giants of Blue Waves Continent went on an all-out war, then all the medium size country and small country were bound to get involved in it.

“Little sister thinks that both empires should have changed this great matter of war into small, then change small matter into nothing, but both empire continuously assassinated the higher ups of each other one after another escalating the war.” Lin Na said. Within last year, she always heard that one day Proud Moon Empire’s certain big official was stabbed to death, and another day she would again hear that certain general of Nalan Empire was stabbed to death.

Ruyue made a wry smile and shaking her head, she said: “At first we Nalan Empire truly dispatched assassins, but before they could make a move, their targets had already die. Afterwards, both sides’ important figures died in quick succession, this means someone is deliberately intensifying the conflict between the two empires.”

“Ah, you are saying that someone is playing tricks? Then both of you can come forward and clarify, like this, wouldn’t this matter stop?” Lin Na said.

“This matter is not simple as you imagine. First no one will believe, moreover now the morale of soldiers are boiling, and majority of them are expecting a fight to the death, I believe Proud Moon Empire is also in this way.” Nalan Ruyue explained.

“Humph, in the end which bastard sowed discord ah, not regarding the common people of this world, truly is damned.” Ling Na cursed.

Nalan Ruyue lightly creased her brows and said: “On the base of traces we got, there is a great possibility that Violent Dragon Empire is playing tricks. They want to take the advantage of great chaos in Blue Waves Continent to swallow even more territory.”

“Violent Dragon Empire? The men of Violent Dragon Empire are bad people.” Ling Na suddenly recalled Long Yi, then couldn’t help but snorted coldly.

“Oh, which man of Violent Dragon Empire is bullying little sister?” Nalan Ruyue didn’t want to talk about the annoying national affairs, so she jokingly asked. Copyright 2016 - 2024