Mrs. Goodenough began,--

"Well! Mrs. Gibson, I suppose I must wish you joy of Miss Cynthia's

marriage; I should condole with some mothers as had lost their

daughters; but you're not one of that sort, I reckon."

Now, as Mrs. Gibson was not quite sure to which "sort" of mothers the

greatest credit was to be attached, she found it a little difficult

how to frame her reply.

"Dear Cynthia!" she said. "One can't but rejoice in her happiness!

And yet--" she ended her sentence by sighing.

"Ay. She was a young woman as would always have her followers; for,

to tell the truth, she was as pretty a creature as ever I saw in my

life. And all the more she needed skilful guidance. I'm sure I, for

one, am as glad as can be she's done so well by herself. Folks say

Mr. Henderson has a handsome private fortune over and above what he

makes by the law."

"There is no fear but that my Cynthia will have everything this world

can give!" said Mrs. Gibson with dignity.

"Well, well! she was always a bit of a favourite of mine; and as I

was saying to my grand-daughter there" (for she was accompanied by a

young lady, who looked keenly to the prospect of some wedding-cake),

"I was never one of those who ran her down and called her a flirt

and a jilt. I'm glad to hear she's like to be so well off. And now,

I suppose, you'll be turning your mind to doing something for Miss

Molly there?"

"If you mean by that, doing anything that can, by hastening her

marriage, deprive me of the company of one who is like my own child,

you are very much mistaken, Mrs. Goodenough. And pray remember,

I am the last person in the world to match-make. Cynthia made Mr.

Henderson's acquaintance at her uncle's in London."

"Ay! I thought her cousin was very often ill, and needing her

nursing, and you were very keen she should be of use. I'm not saying

but what it's right in a mother; I'm only putting in a word for Miss


"Thank you, Mrs. Goodenough," said Molly, half-angry, half-laughing.

"When I want to be married, I'll not trouble mamma. I'll look out for


"Molly is becoming so popular, I hardly know how we shall keep her

at home," said Mrs. Gibson. "I miss her sadly; but, as I said to Mr.

Gibson, let young people have change, and see a little of the world

while they are young. It has been a great advantage to her being at

the Towers while so many clever and distinguished people were there.

I can already see a difference in her tone of conversation: an

elevation in her choice of subjects. And now she is going to Hamley

Hall. I can assure you I feel quite a proud mother, when I see how

she is sought after. And my other daughter--my Cynthia--writing such

letters from Paris!" Copyright 2016 - 2024