They were both nearing their fourth month and Madison only had a slight baby bump compared to the huge medicine ball she was carrying around.

“Morning, mom,” Joshua said, leaning over to press a kiss to Madison’s cheek.

“Morning, sweetheart,” she said, smiling brightly and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that she’d either just devoured a box of chocolate or had her way with Ephraim. She’d put her money on Ephraim since she was devouring everything on her tray like she was starving.

“Move over,” came Chris’ grumble and with an sigh, Joshua picked up his tray and moved to the other side of the table to sit right next to her instead of just moving one chair down. She was guessing it was to piss Chris off since he seemed to enjoy doing that a lot.

She was actually starting to think it had more to do with the way Chris was treating her than just getting a kick out of annoying his brother. When Joshua laid his arm across the back of her chair and reached over to rub her stomach while glaring at Chris she knew she was right.

Over the past couple of months the two brothers had come close to killing each other several times and probably would have if Ephraim and about a dozen Sentinels hadn’t stepped in they probably would have.

As much as she appreciated Joshua’s concerns she didn’t like this. The last thing she wanted to do was come between two brothers who obviously loved each other.

“Stop it,” she whispered, placing her hand over his to move it, but he simply ignored her and continued to rub her stomach.

“I’m just saying good morning to my sweet little niece,”

he said innocently, but the look he was sending Chris’

way was anything but innocent.

Madison sighed wistfully. “I can’t wait to hold her. I hope we make the move before she’s born. I want to have the nursery ready for-“

“Whoa,” Chris said, holding up his hand. “Back it up there, what the hell are you talking about moving?”

Madison bit her lip nervously as she shot her an apologetic look. “Sorry,” she mouthed with a rueful shrug.

It was fine. More than fine actually. She was actually surprised that they’d managed to keep him in the dark this long. She had no problem telling him actually, but everyone else seemed to think they should break it to him at the last minute.

“We bought a house in upstate New York. As soon as the house is ready, which shouldn’t be more than a week, we’re moving,” she said, shrugging like it was no big deal.

“Who’s we?” he asked, his voice hollow.

“Your father decided it would be better to keep the family together, but we didn’t want the kids growing up in a compound. He purchased a house with Izzy, a very large home with plenty of land. It’s being set up now.

Eric’s overlooking the security,” Madison explained.

“He’s making sure it’s safe, Chris. He’s even placing Sentinel homes around the property.”

“Looks like you can stop being a prick and man the f**k up and take care of your family now,” Joshua bit out angrily and just when she expected Chris to lounge for Joshua like he’d done so many times before he stood up, but he didn’t make a move on Joshua.

“Joshua, stay out of it,” Madison hissed.

“No,” Joshua said firmly as he stared Chris down.

“It’s fine, Joshua. He made his choice and I made mine.

Jessica and I will be fine,” she said in what she hoped was a soothing tone since the last thing she needed was these two boneheads trying to kill each other again.

“Who’s Jessica?” Chris asked, sounding a little dazed.

Joshua let out a snort of disgust. “She’s your daughter, ass**le. Izzy picked out the name two months ago.

Where the hell have you been?”

“Please stop it,” she said, placing her hand over Joshua’s when Jessica decided that kicking her in the ribs sounded like fun.

She looked back up at Chris to find him staring intently at her hand over Joshua’s. That tick in his jaw was going double time.

“I was able to get a sonogram in here so if you want to see your daughter, be at the clinic in a half hour,”

Joshua said evenly.

Instead of telling Joshua off and acting like he didn’t care, Chris nodded once before he turned around and walked away. She didn’t know what to think, but she knew he wouldn’t come. He never did for any of her appointments.

“A sonogram?” Madison asked excitedly. “Oh my god!”

she squealed, jumping to her feet. “Don’t start until we get there! You know how much your father would love to see that!” And with that she was running out of the cafeteria, leaving them to stare after her.

“I’m sorry.”

“Well, you should be. I asked you to stay out of this. You know this is between me and Chris. It has-“

“No, not that,” Joshua said, shaking his head slowly.

“Then for what?”

He sighed heavily as he picked up both of their trays.

“You’ll see.”

Chapter 44

“I didn’t break it, did I?” he heard his father snap.

“No, but you promised not to touch anything!” Joshua shot back and he would have laughed if he was scared out of his f**king mind at the moment.

It was truly frightening how one moment of clarity could change his whole outlook. Not even an hour ago he’d been prepared to live a life of hell without his mate and then one word changed all of that.


He’d tried so hard not to think of the baby, so f**king hard. Hearing his little girl’s name was the kick in the balls that he needed. He started to picture a little face to go along with the name and he couldn’t imagine not being there to hold her, love her, help her and guide her in this world. Now he just prayed his little Munchkin would give him a chance, otherwise he’d be doomed to a life of watching from afar.

Where he’d failed to secure a safe home for his mate and child, his father and Eric had succeeded. Judging by the pictures and security details Eric just sent him they’d more than succeeded. The mansion’s security was a hundred times better than the compound’s and that was saying a hell of a lot. The property was gated, monitored, and unbelievably beautiful.

He couldn’t believe this, couldn’t believe how badly this situation had become f**ked up. Here he was pushing his mate away thinking it was the best thing for everyone and his goddamn family had not only been embracing her, but doing their damndest to secure her future and happiness and what the f**k had he been doing?

He’d been an ass**le.

Now he was coming back to the mate he treated like shit and praying like hell she would give him another chance. As far as the baby was concerned he was still scared shitless, but he wanted to see her. God, he wanted to see her so badly that it hurt to breathe.

He walked into the clinic and spotted his family all standing around Izzy as she laid on a hospital gurney as Joshua glided a small plastic tool connected by a wire to a large machine over her glistening stomach.

His lips twitched despite his nervousness as he watched his father reach out to take the tool away from Joshua only to have his hand slapped away by several people.

“I was just curious!” Copyright 2016 - 2024