Pressing her hand to her chest as she willed her heart to stop trying to break free, she turned to glare at the big jerk.

“Here,” he said, gesturing for her to bring her hands closer to him, “let me make this easier for you.”

Her eyes narrowed on him before dropping to his hands and the small key that he held. She didn’t trust this sudden nice guy act, but she honestly was too tired to fight him. Worrying her bottom lip, she held her hands out to him and was shocked when he not only uncuffed her right hand, but also gently massaged her tender wrist.

“I’m going to run out and grab some food and some clothes. What are your sizes?” he asked, sounding almost pleasant.

She wasn’t sure if exhaustion was taking its toll on her, but when he gave her a reassuring smile she decided to trust him. He probably felt bad about the way he’d been treating her, she mused. Besides if he was leaving then that meant she had a chance to escape and she was damn well going to take it.

As she gave him her sizes she wondered if there was a bus station close by. She still had some cash and her credit cards so she wouldn’t have to worry about money for a while. The only thing that worried her was getting to the bus station before he came back. Then again she had her computer and could easily find the best route to a bus or maybe even a train station.

It really didn’t matter where she went as long as she got the hell away from him she really didn’t care. She’d have to buy several tickets to confuse him just in case, she decided.

“Okay, I’ll be back in a little while,” he said, drawing her attention. “You’ll be okay while I’m gone?”

She had to stop herself from smiling. “Yes, I’m sure I’ll be-hey! What the hell are you doing?” she demanded as he brought her hand up above her head and attached the cuff to the thick metal shower rod that was unfortunately screwed to the wall. It was also up high, forcing her to stand on her tippy toes.

“I’ll be back soon,” Chris said, giving her ass a little smack before he headed for the door. “Try not to miss me.”

“Get back here!” she snapped.

“Sorry, can’t.”

“I’ll scream,” she threatened, knowing she damn well would even if it meant someone finding her naked, wet and cuffed to a shower rod. All she cared about was getting the hell away from him and finding a nice warm bed where she could sleep and forget any of this ever happened.

“Go ahead. I made sure we got a room far away from everyone else so knock yourself out,” he said from the other room.

“I. Hate. You!” she yelled, emphasizing each word as she stepped up onto the edge of the tub to take some pressure off her arm.

“Aw, that’s really sweet, Munchkin,” he said seconds before she heard the tell tale click of a door shutting and locking.

“Jerk!” she yelled, not because she thought he’d hear it and care, but because she needed something to do since she couldn’t bitch slap the bastard.

Chapter 25

“I’m sure you hear this every day, but you’re a very beautiful woman,” the human male wearing far too much cologne said to the beautiful small red head, making Logan snort in disgust.

For the past two hours he’d been forced to listen to this ass**le deliver that same line to every woman who came within a ten foot range of the bar. If he hadn’t been waiting for Kale he would have already dragged the bastard out back and drained him for annoying the hell out of him.

Unfortunately for him and apparently every female in the bar he couldn’t kill the bastard, yet. He needed to speak with Kale without giving the bastard a chance to blow him off and he knew that this was the only way.

Not many people knew this, actually if they did Kale would probably just kill them because he didn’t like anyone knowing anything that could be used against him, but Kale preferred to eat his evening meal in a pub with a tall glass of mead.

Since this bar was the only one in town that also served food Logan knew that if Kale had the chance to eat tonight, he’d be coming here and Logan would get his damn answers. If anyone else had refused to answer his questions not to mention hung up on him, he would have enjoyed ripping the bastard’s spine out and making him eat it.

Unfortunately he couldn’t do that with this bastard and so it seemed he was stuck listening to this ass**le sprout bullshit lines until he found a woman desperate enough to spread for him. He really doubted this woman would be the one. She was too beautiful and the way she held herself let everyone in the room know that she was well aware of that fact.

As he sipped his whiskey, a drink he couldn’t live without even though he knew he’d be pissing it out in its original form by the end of the night, he allowed himself to look at the beautiful woman. She was beautiful, stunningly so with her dark red hair that was closer to brown than red. Her beautiful bright blue eyes, small delicate face with a cute little button nose and little plump lips had him cursing Kale to hell and back.

If the man didn’t move his ass and get here soon he was afraid this ass**le was going to chase off the woman he’d decided was going to be his meal tonight. His eyes darted to the ass**le that was pissing him off and decided the man would be his meal and the red headed beauty would be his snack, a little sweet treat for all the bullshit he’d gone through lately and an early celebration treat

Once he had Isabella McGuire, he would finally have his empire. With her help there wouldn’t be anywhere on this earth that his enemies could hide from him.

He’d take over the blood delivery system and weed through the f**king traitors. Thanks to today’s dependency on technology and Isabella’s McGuire’s skills he’d have everything he ever wanted, including revenge.

He’d find the son of bitch that had taken his beautiful Elizabeth’s sweet soul and he would kill him right along with Kale. Perhaps he’d hold off on killing Kale until he found the other bastard. Then he’d kill them together.

But before he could do anything he needed to get his hands on the damn woman and that meant finding out what Kale knew. The bastard wouldn’t be happy that he was here, but Logan didn’t give a damn. There was too much riding on this to sit back and wait. Kale was good, probably the best, but there was always a chance that someone out there might swoop in and grab Miss.

McGuire before he could and that wasn’t something Logan would allow.

A war had started and although he’d like nothing better than to see every last Sentinel wiped off the face of the earth he needed them around, at least for now.

Once he gained control over enough territories he fully planned on taking care of the Sentinel problem, but for right now their existence benefited him so he was going to step back and allow them to continue.

“Why don’t we go back to my place?” the man asked and Logan had to admit that took balls since the woman was clearly out of his league.

“I think I’ll pass,” she said, giving the man a polite smile as she turned her attention back to the game playing on the flat screen television above the bar and her dinner.

“Bitch,” the man muttered as he walked away.

Logan’s eyes narrowed on the man and watched as he approached a group of what could only be termed as “Bar Bunnies.” Before he left town he was going to drain that man dry. Copyright 2016 - 2024