She reached out and touched the door. It sparked against her fingers but she ignored the pain. She would finally meet her real mother.

It felt surreal, regardless of the fact she was standing in a stone tower with angels and demons. It was easier to believe in them than the existence of a mother she never knew about. Memories flooded her of her mother back home. She couldn’t imagine the pain they were in.

She looked at Dorian. His eyes were set on the door.

Oliver tugged at her hand, "You have to open it love."

She frowned, "How?"

"Use your magic and open the door."

She pointed a finger and spoke slowly, "Open sesame."

Lorri sighed, "Stop fucking around and tell the door to open."

Her face flushed, "Open."

The door didn’t even creak in a slight effort to open. She looked back at Lorri who was pinching the bridge of her nose.

"What do I do?"

"Magic is imagery, want and need the door to open. Like when you were mad and the magic filled you. Think about the fact he's murdered all the others. Think about the fact she's spent a lifetime alone. Want it."

Ophelia looked back at the door and thought about the fact her mother had been alone. She imagined the cruelty of him forcing himself upon her. She remembered the helpless feeling of Sam pressed against her. Her back in the damp moss as he held her down and screamed at her. She looked at the door and pushed on it. A loud burst shot through the silence as the door blew apart. Tiny shards of wood and slivers filled the air. She blew hard making them fly away from her. She looked into the cell to see the woman from the snow globe but she wasn’t there. The cell was empty. She turned back to speak but something hit her hard in the head.


She woke to a chuckle. She looked up to see her brother standing over her.

"You cannot be my sister. My sister would have known better than to trust a stranger."

She swallowed tasting blood in her mouth. Oliver watched her with his bright blue eyes. She felt her breath grow ragged, as the desperation of the situation became reality.

She looked around. She didn’t recognize where she was. Her hands were wrapped in a fabric and tied over her head. Her feet just touched the floor with her tipi toes.

Her back was against a cold stonewall. She was frozen.

Tristan was taller than she assumed her would be. He towered over her and looked angry and frightening. Not the same as when they'd met in the forest. He was a different person.

He sneered and leaned in, "You smell like sex Ophelia. It's hard to be around all these angels and Sirens."

She turned her face away from his warm breath.

She refused to look at him or Oliver.

She didn’t see Lorri or Dorian. She wondered if they'd been apart of the plan from the beginning too?

She felt her toes cramping up and she struggled to stay standing.

Tristan hovered over her like a predator.

She continued to look away from them. She felt her breath getting out of control. She started to heave slightly.

"Wa-wa-wa-wa what's the baby going to do? Will she cry? Are you going to cry for daddy, love?"

She looked at him.

He laughed, "You didn’t think I was your brother did you?"

She started to cry. He leaned in and licked her cheek.

"Your tears taste like your mother's."

His body pressed her into the rock wall.

She looked exactly like Jonathan. She could see her own traits and features on his face.

She looked at Oliver. He looked pained for a moment.

She spat at him, "How could you? He killed your son."

Her father laughed, "I never killed him. Oliver has him being, detained so to speak. It had to be believable. No one can resist young Samuel's mother. No one."

Ophelia shook her head, "Why are you doing this? Where is Tristan?"

He laughed, "You're brother is an idiot. You are my heir Ophelia." He glanced back at Oliver and smirked, "We just need to make sure you like my side better."

"Where are my sisters and Lillith?"

He laughed and turned and walked from the circular stone room. She shivered from the cold.

Oliver watched her for a moment and then followed her father from the room.

Chapter Thirty-Six


"Just pull her along."

Hanna looked nervous, "Sam I don’t feel comfortable."

He clenched his jaw and leaned in looking down on her, "I'm not leaving without her."

Hanna's skin rippled, "Don't be a shit. I just don't want her to feel like we forced something on her. She said she loves him."

His eyes flashed at his mother's unconscious body. He felt bad for knocking her out but he had no choice. She was compelled by Jonathan.

He felt his phone vibrate. He pulled it from his pocket to find a picture of a room from Aimee. He grabbed Hanna and his mom's hand and flashed them into the room.

Aimee had her back to a wall and was appearing around a corner.

"They're in there."

She looked at his mom, "Is she hurt?"

Hanna rolled her eyes, "She wasn’t until Sam knocked her out." She glanced at Sam and gulped, "She wanted to stay. She loves Jonathan."

Aimee grimaced.

Giselle made a sickened face, "Eww I heard he looks a lot like Ophelia."

Aimee's head snapped around, "I've had enough of the return of shitty Giselle. Stop."

Giselle put her hands up, "Whatevs Aimes. Can we just kill Blake and get Alise."

Aimee looked at Lydia. Sam noticed the vacant stare in her eyes.


She looked at him in a panic, "Sam they have Ophelia. Her magic just went out. They're going to be here any minute."

Sam felt his stomach sink. He still felt the bond to her. She wasn’t dead.

Aimee's nostrils flared, "Fuck this shit." She kicked the door open to the lab.

Sam looked at Hanna, "Don’t lose her."

Hanna smiled at him sarcastically, "Fuck off Sam."

He grabbed her face and kissed her hard. He let go and flashed into the room behind Aimee. A man fired a gun, which normally they wouldn’t have bothered avoiding but with the hellfire being a possibility it changed their reactions to bullets.

Aimee leapt across the room and flashed Ari behind the man with the gun.

The lab was huge. Sam felt lost for a half a second. He saw a pasty angry looking guy hunched over a microscope with headphones on. He would bet his money it was Blake.

He watched as Brandon and Lucas phased mid air and began attacking the other men and women in lab coats. Ari didn’t use her gift. They all appeared human. Sam looked back at the door, he had a bad feeling.

Lydia was standing with Hanna above his mother who was laid on the floor.

She made eye contact with him, "Minutes."

He looked back at Aimee who was holding the dark haired guy in the air.

"Just fucking tell me where she is."

Sam looked at the way the incredibly tall guy didn’t react.

He looked at Giselle draining the blood from a smaller guy in the corner, "He's compelled Aimes. Giselle get him."

Giselle hissed at Sam.



Giselle dropped the bleeding man and skulked over to Aimee, "Okay nerd look into mommy's eyes."

Sam knew she hated him. He had been a part of her being mauled in blood bars.

"Listen to me Blake. You don’t have any more glamour on you. No compulsion. You are just you again."

"Ha you really believe one of Lorri's pet's can remove my compulsion?"

Sam saw Daniel walk into the lab from the back. He held an iPad.

Blake looked around. He frowned, "Aimes?"

Aimee leapt at him and wrapped her arms around his chest.


Giselle stepped toward Daniel, "Bow bitch."

His legs buckled slightly, "Impossible."


His knees dropped to the hard cement lab floor.

His face trembled, "You are of Marcus?"

She licked the blood stains from her face, "Yeah and I'm pretty sure you remember me being your little party favor not so long ago too, don’t you? Well asshole, now it's time to pay."

Sam put a hand out, "No. Lorri made a deal with the wolves. They get to kill him and we get Aleks's dad."

Giselle wrinkled her nose. She thought for a moment and nodded, "Fine but I take him now. No waiting around for Jonathan and the other dicks to show."

Sam nodded.

Aimee looked at Sam, her eyes were filled with tears.

"Alise is in the backrooms. Where the vampires feed."

Sam felt sick. He knew her sister would either be dead or worse.

Lorri ran into the room, "They got Ophelia. We need to get the fuck out of here and come back."

Sam clenched his jaw.

Lorri barked, "Fucking Oliver. I fucking knew it."

Aimee shook her head, "We need Alise and Ophelia's sister."


Blake looked startled, "What is going on?" He paled, "Are you guys like them?"

Lorri smiled, "Worse. Now move some asses."

Giselle looked at Lorri, "Look who we found."

Lorri leaned to the side to see around the tables and computers. Her face dropped.


He trembled, "Lorri. I didn’t mean to. You know I always believed in your way."

Her chest rose and fell rapidly, "You son of a bitch."

She looked crushed. Sam had never seen her vulnerable.

"Giselle can you hold him?"

She laughed, "Yup. I'm going to stick one of my heels in his ass as soon as we get him home. Fucker."

Lorri nodded and looked around, "Okay I'm going to take Giselle and Danny boy to Maine." She tilted her head, "You owe a blood debt you piece of shit." Copyright 2016 - 2024