“How is that?” Janet asked.

Lawrence was checking his handgun. When he popped the slide, the stocky man glanced up at her with sharp green eyes.

“Nobody sees anything, that means they don’t see us either. Not that we’re easy to see anyhow. If they see us, we haven’t done our job.” He flashed a dangerous smile. “As far as them being from Mexico? Easier to get rid of out-of-town bodies, ma’am. They don’t belong here.”

At that, Marcie paled a little, and of course Dale latched right on to it. “Dana, I’m going to say it again. Goddamn non-combatants shouldn’t be a part of this.”

“We don’t have time to go over it again. We have a sound plan, remember?” Janet interjected it sharply. Dale shot her a cold look, one she was sure could intimidate a whole platoon of SEALs, but she gave him a stone-cold bitch look right back. “I know what could happen.”

“Yeah, maybe you do. You have that look. She doesn’t.” He jerked his head toward Marcie. “I’m going to lay it out clear, kid. Lives are going to be taken on this op. Max has been hunting Dino for a while, and the guys with him are connected to a cartel. The only way we protect everyone here, and our families, is by not a one of them going home telling the story. Do you get that? You can stay home and no shame to it. I’d feel a hell of a lot better if you did.”

This time, Dana and Janet waited for Marcie, since it was obvious her response was what Dale was gauging. The young woman firmed her chin and, though she didn’t have Janet’s icy look, she met his gaze squarely. “They’ll kill Max if we don’t go in,” she said quietly. “And you’re telling me if they aren’t taken out, our families are in danger. That’s all I need to know.”

“We’re pretty much Old Testament stock.” Dana laid her hand on Marcie’s arm, support and approval at once in the gesture, and tilted her head in Dale’s direction. “Only we prefer a more proactive approach. Get them before they get us. Let’s go take our boy back.”

There’d been no further discussion about it after that. It was clear Dale didn’t like it, but they were out of time and the plan was the best they had. After that, the men fell into a seamless operational rhythm. Dale stayed in communication with Aaron via phone, the absent man relaying information back to the team at the church to fine-tune what they could tell from the satellite picture they called up of the location. They tweaked the plan accordingly, then turned their attention to ensuring the women were outfitted with the gear they needed.

Dana wore an earpiece inside one ear to hear Dale’s communications, since with her blindness it passed as a hearing aid. Janet had both a camera and listening device as part of the pendant she was wearing. The special necklace was one Marcie had used when she worked with Pickard Consulting. It had remained part of her arsenal for her corporate investigation duties at Tennyson Industries. Since then, Jon had helped her re-design the already excellent technology it possessed, so Janet wasn’t surprised that Dale pronounced it as more than suitable for their purposes.

Marcie and Dana had done a full costume change for the part they were supposed to play. After examining the choices Marcie had brought for all of them, and considering what she knew of Dino, Janet had decided to go with what she was wearing, making only a few adjustments. Using scissors, she’d increased the back slit six inches, so the snug skirt showed a hint of the lace-top stockings she was wearing. She traded out her more comfortable pumps for a pair of chocolate-brown stilettos Marcie had brought. Fortunately, she and Marcie were comparable in shoe size. The pain of wearing the narrower heel on her misshapen feet was a small matter.

Taking off her cream-colored shell, she exchanged the demure lace bra beneath for a black lace one that had cups a size too small and pushed her breasts almost out of them. She put her suit jacket over it, the pendant teasing her bare cleavage. Taking her hair down, she brushed it out to its full glory. She enhanced her makeup, adding a cream gloss to her lips but keeping it classy.

One high-dollar escort to order, from head to toe.

When she came out of the bathroom, she was mildly gratified by the appraising glances of the four men, and Dale gave her an approving nod. “Sexy as hell, ma’am. Should do the trick.”

“No pun intended,” Dana quipped. Janet ran her gaze over the other women. In comparison, they’d gone for the cheap streetwalker look, heavy makeup and clothes just this side of the law. Marcie had teased up her hair in a sultry tangle around her face, wearing a miniskirt that barely covered her ass and a low-cut tank long enough to cover the waistband—as well as the firearm she was carrying there. Dana’s likewise skimpy attire was artfully arranged to handle the Taser. Despite her thoughts on choices and free will, Janet felt worry grip her. If either of them got hurt…

She couldn’t think like that. They were as prepared as they could be. Max might not want any of them to risk themselves for him, but that was too bad. He was just going to have to live with owing them for the rest of his life, which she hoped would be a long, long time.

The two men hanging around in front of the warehouse gave the dark four-door sedan a studied look as she drove up. Parking it about fifty feet away, Janet got out, making sure they saw lots of leg as she did. She tossed her hair back and sauntered their way, hips swaying.

“Boys.” She nodded. “I was told to meet Dino here. Compliments of the 9th Streeters. They wanted him to have a welcome-home gift.”

“Which 9th Streeter?” The dark eyes of the taller man narrowed on her, but she noticed the other one was just enjoying an ogle of her body.

“That’s not my department, sugar. They called, wired three thousand cash to my handler, told her to give Dino everything he wants. I’m everything any man could want.” She took out her hand mirror, checked her lipstick and hair. “I’ve been in this game long enough to know how to curl a man’s toes and leave him smiling. So where is he?”

“He ain’t here yet, puta. And when he does get here, he’s got business to attend. You go sit your pretty ass in the car and wait on him.”

“I do love taking care of a businessman.” She shrugged. “I can wait in my rental. It’s the nicest room in this house, for sure.” She cast a disparaging look over their surroundings. “But do you mind if I take care of a ladies room need first? I drove up here from Houston.” At their scowls, the protests rising on their lips, she sighed. “I don’t care what’s inside. Dead bodies, drugs, whatever. I’ve seen it all and I remember none of it. I used to be Jorge Alvarez’s girl, after all. I only want a bathroom.”

The man’s gaze narrowed on her. “Janelle?”

He’d never met her, but she expected the name was remembered. She nodded. “After Jorge got taken out, I had to split. Ended up with this nice operation out of Texas, taking care of boys on both sides of the border when you have needs. But my preference is still brown skin and those lovely, fuck-me-blind dark eyes.” She gave him a feline smile, and his gaze slid down her body, back up again.

“Maybe you take care of us while you’re waiting.”

“Oh no, sugar. Got to have some professional decorum. You might muss the package Dino’s expecting. But maybe if you’re around afterward, you could buy me a drink and we’ll talk. Bathroom?”

“Hey, bitch!”

Janet turned to see two streetwalkers crossing the road toward her. They were arm in arm, weaving slightly.

“Yeah, you. This ain’t your area, bitch, and you need to get your skank ass out of here before we kick it up into your throat.”

She gave Dana credit. No one would guess those rasping, vicious words had just come out of the mouth of a minister. Marcie planted her feet about ten feet away and Dana held on to her arm even as she stepped out in front, shook a finger in Janet’s direction. “I may be blind, but I can smell that cheap-ass perfume a mile away. Now git.”

“You bitches better get yourself somewhere else,” the second man said. “This is private hired entertainment.”

“Oohhh…” Marcie pursed her lips, gave him a sultry look from beneath her teased fall of hair. “Maddy, I think he just called us common trash. Pussy is pussy, sweet boy. She might be sweeter-smelling, but I’m waaay younger meat.” She cast Janet a scornful look. “I can pump your cock better too, even at half her price.”

“And leave what crawling on it?” the first man scoffed.

“Ain’t nothing wrong with what I’m offering,” Marcie said indignantly. “You think high-priced is any cleaner than bargain? Use a glove, and it don’t matter no how.”

“So you’re blind.” The other man had stepped forward, and now he caught Dana’s arm. She retaliated with a sharp kick to his shin that sent him hopping.

“Yeah, I’m blind, but don’t be manhandling me, boy.”

“Cunt.” He retaliated with a back hand that sent Dana stumbling into Marcie. Janet steeled herself not to move forward, but the black woman straightened quickly enough. Even gave him a sly smile through the split lip.

“I’m also not above playing rough.” She sidled toward the man she’d just kicked. “Girl don’t need her eyes to suck dick, does she?” Her expression became even more provocative as she rubbed up against him. “In fact, I tend to rely way more on touch, sugar. You feel me?”

Janet rolled her eyes, stepped past the first man. “Just tell me where the bathroom is, sugar, and I’ll leave you to deal with this trash.”

“No she ain’t goin’ in there. Not unless she want her ass kicked when she comes out.”

As Marcie and Dana surged forward, the second man blocked them. The first one threw an exasperated look at Janet. “Fine. Go in that door. Tell Manny that Leo said you were fine and have him show you where the bathroom is. There’s an upstairs office where you can wait.”

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