She closed her eyes and a low moan emerged from her throat. Moment by moment, touch by touch, he was seducing her defenses away.

She grabbed at his hips to pull him in closer—oh God, she wanted him closer—to her wetness. Her hips bucked into his thick shaft and he held himself still as she rocked and rubbed and pushed against him, desperate for release.

“That's it,” he said, encouraging her madness. He bent his head back down to her chest, pressing her br**sts close together so that he could take both stiff peaks into his mouth at the same time.

“You taste so good. So sweet.”

He lifted her into his arms, carrying her up the stairs as if she weighed nothing at all. Even as he navigated the steps and the hallway, he nipped at her lips, tasted the sensitive crevasses of her mouth with his tongue.

He was taking her to his bedroom.

To his bed.

Her sex clenched at the thought of being naked beneath Logan. She shivered as he flicked the tip of his tongue against the corner of her mouth, and he smiled against her lips.

“Do you like that?”

She was hesitant to look into his eyes, frightened to give too much of herself away if he saw how much this meant to her. At last, she found her voice.


He captured her mouth again, harder this time, his lips and teeth and tongue telling her just how much he desired her. He pulled back, his blue eyes dark with passion.

“And that?”

She reached a hand up to his mouth and let her thumb and fingertips graze his full, masculine lips. “Yes. So much.”

More than he knew.

He sucked her index finger in between his lips and she closed her eyes and relaxed into his strong, muscular arms, drunk from his tongue on her skin. She'd never known fingers could be so sensitive; never had a man spent so much time on her. Other men were only interested in foreplay as a means to an end. With Logan, she could tell that her pleasure pleased him.

He pressed a kiss onto her palm. “Tell me everything you like. Tell me everything that makes you feel good.”

She stroked his chin, his stubble deliciously rough. “I don't need to. You already know.”

A low growl vibrated in his throat and she watched, mesmerized, as his Adam's apple moved in his tanned throat. She ran her hand down to his neck, then past his collarbone and over his tight band of pectoral muscles. His heartbeat was strong and fast as he continued to hold her without strain, allowing her to explore his body at her leisure.

His nipple grew hard as she leaned closer and pressed a kiss into his shoulder. His skin jumped beneath her lips and, for the first time, she realized just how badly he wanted her; that he was barely holding on to his own self-control.

She swept her tongue out along his collarbone and tasted a faint sheen of clean sweat on his skin. His erection swelled against the side of her hip and his passionate reaction emboldened her further. She grazed a stiff tendon with her teeth, loving the taste of him, his masculine scent. He was just as beautiful beneath her lips as he was to her eyes.

He carried her across the room, laying her beneath him on his bed. “I've wanted to do this for so long.” He bent his head down to one breast and suckled her. “And this,” he said as he laved the other.

She gasped with pleasure and arched into his mouth. Back and forth, he swirled his tongue on her br**sts, kissing her flesh, softly nipping her sensitive skin. Every move he made aroused her, made her grow increasingly damp and desperate to feel the hot, hard length of him pressing into her sex.

“Please,” she said, and a moment later his hands were on the waistband of her jeans and he was undoing the zipper and pulling them down her thighs.

“So beautiful,” he said in a low voice as he slid her shoes and jeans to the floor. “So damn beautiful.”

She waited with delirious anticipation to feel his fingers—or possibly, if she was really lucky, his erection— between her legs, and was utterly unprepared for warm breath on her heated skin. Her hips bucked into his mouth of their own volition, as utterly out of control as she'd ever been.

She was frightened by this intimacy, yet she craved it too badly to possibly make him stop.

And then his mouth came down fully over her cotton-covered mound and she stopped thinking altogether. She cried out his name as she moved against his lips, his teeth. His tongue found her clitoris through the fabric and waves of satisfaction moved through her, over her.

His touch was turning her inside out, but right now, right in this moment, losing control felt right. Because she felt safe with Logan.

His fingers grazed her hipbones, then stalled. She instantly knew what he was asking. His erection pressed hard against her—he was as crazed with lust as she was—but even then, he waited for her to lead him forward.

She whispered “Yes” to tell him it was all right to continue, that she wanted him to remove her panties, that she was desperate to drop all the remaining barriers between them.

He pressed a kiss to her stomach, just below her belly button, and she sucked in a breath, waiting. And then, slowly, much too slowly, he slid her Love Lake Tahoe panties off her hips.

“I can't wait another second to taste you.”

The fabric was still at her thighs and she should have been prepared for the slide of his tongue on her clitoris, for the muscles at the base of her stomach to clench and pull, but she wasn't.

Nothing could have prepared her for Logan.

Slow warmth moved through her as his tongue slipped and slid over her heated flesh. He cupped her butt cheeks to shift her mound higher, closer to his mouth. She wanted to watch this beautiful man touch her so intimately, but her eyes closed as she arched her neck, her body straining toward him. Alternately he sucked at her clit, pulling and dragging on her arousal, then swept his tongue down the slick length of her labia.

Her muscles clenched with need. She wanted all of him, wanted to be filled with his huge, hard shaft. She opened her mouth to beg, to plead, but before she could utter a word, he slipped one thick digit inside of her.

Her breath stopped as she clamped around his finger. With painstaking slowness, he slid it in to the knuckle. She pushed against his hand, trying to take more of him inside. All the while, his tongue kept a steady beat on her clit. He added another finger to his sensual onslaught and she rode his fingers, pressed into his tongue. But instead of letting her crest the peak, he forced her to ride the ridge of pleasure, backing off when she got too close. He slid his fingers in, then out of her slick passage. Copyright 2016 - 2024