The rotation starts out slow, like the operator is trying to match the beat of the song. Jenna’s body moves in perfect time with it. It’s like everything between us and around us is in sync.

It’s almost painful to watch her ride that damn bull. Her back arches with each buck of the machine and her h*ps swivel fluidly, like she’s connected to it. Her cheeks are flushed, her lips are parted just a little and I can see the tip of her tongue grazing her teeth. I hope she’s thinking what I’m thinking—that the only thing better than this would be if it was me between her legs.

The operator increases the speed and Jenna’s body shifts and sways in time with it. All too clearly, I can imagine us in front of a mirror with her moving just like that on top of me. Up and down on my cock, her thighs clamped around my sides, her creamy body squeezing me.

My jeans get tight. Real tight. As the song winds down and the operator slows the bull again, Jenna glances up at me. The look she gives me says she knows what I’m thinking. And I mutter again, “Holy shit, it’s gonna be a long night!”


After getting so turned-on by Rusty watching me ride the bull, it’s all I can do to keep my composure for the rest of the night. I want him so bad I ache with it.

But stay composed I do. Somehow, I manage to keep it together while cranking up the heat. It’s my mission to make the want as painful for Rusty as it is for me. And every time I look at him, I know it’s working a little more. The crotch of his jeans is probably extended to the tensile limit of denim. I can’t stop the satisfied smirk that comes to my lips as I think of it.

I glance over at Rusty as he watches another girl ride the bull. As if sensing my eyes and my thoughts on him, he turns those bright-blues on me. I wink sassily at him and he raises one eyebrow.

I make myself turn away after that. I’m tempted to go order another shot when I hear the bartender ring the bell that signals last call. I resist the urge because part of my deal with Daryl in him letting us “borrow” Lucky’s tonight was that I’d lock up after closing and then come back bright and early in the morning to meet the truck when it comes to collect the mechanical bull. The last thing I need is to be shitfaced while trying to secure a bar that isn’t mine.

Less than an hour later, the house lights flash three times in a row and the lights over the stage shut off, my signal to start shooing people out the door. Luckily, the band stopped playing about an hour ago, so no one cares about the stage anymore.

When the bar is empty, but for the little old man who operates the mechanical bull, I give him a fifty dollar tip and push him out into the lot, too, flipping the lock behind him so I can make my way around, cutting off lights before I go home.

I find OFF switches for every light in the place except the one over the dance floor, the dance floor that, for tonight, was occupied by a mechanical bull. I walk behind the bar, searching for a hidden switch. I look through the small storage and break room in back. Still no luck. The only thing I find back there is the radio, which is clearly labeled LEAVE ON, but no other light switches. I decide to check the other side of the building, somewhere near the stage, hoping I can find the controls there.

As I round the corner back out into the bar, I come to a sudden stop, a gasp bubbling up in my chest. There’s someone sitting on top of the bull.

I’m only startled for a few seconds, though. My pulse speeds up for an entirely different reason when I recognize the figure straddling the machine.

It’s Rusty. And he’s watching me.

My feet move me slowly across the room toward him. My heart thumps wildly against my ribs. My mouth goes completely dry as I take him in.

The wide brim of his cowboy hat casts a shadow over his face. But even so, I can feel Rusty’s glittering blue eyes fixed on me. The light pouring down on his shoulders accentuates every ripple of muscle in his arms and bathes his perfectly defined abs in a soft, golden glow. His big hands are resting on his thighs, motionless. Chills spread down my arms when I look at those long fingers, remembering all too clearly the pleasure they can bring.

I take a deep breath. “Bar’s closed, mister,” I say casually as I approach him.

He doesn’t respond immediately. When he does, I feel a hot flush move through my core.

“Thought I’d grab a slow ride before you locked up. I missed my chance earlier.”

My stomach twitches at his insinuation. He’s asking me. Outright. And he’s perfectly still as he waits for my reply.

Adjusting my trajectory, I veer to the right and walk to the podium that houses the bull controls. I look down at the console I watched the little old man working earlier. I glance back at Rusty, knowing that if I turn it on, I’m giving him my answer.

My pause is barely that of a heartbeat before I reach up and flip the red switch up to the ON position. To hell with resisting him! I’m not the one getting married.

“How slow do you want it?” I ask provocatively, the sultry music from the radio only adding to the intensity of the moment.

“As slow as you can make it,” he replies, a wicked grin twisting his lips.

I ease the lever up the tiniest bit, just enough that I can barely hear the whir of the machine’s motor turning. With a groan, the bull moves slightly forward and down, making a leisurely turn on its post. Rusty doesn’t move but for the motion of his h*ps as he rides fluidly on the swiveling bull. When it revolves completely, leaving him facing me again, I see the almost imperceptible tip of his head. “You coming?”

I don’t answer him. I don’t need to. I step out from behind the console and I walk toward Rusty, an answer in and of itself. Anticipation pours through me when I step up onto the thick, black mat and stop at the base of the slow-moving machine.

Without a word, Rusty holds out his hands. Without a word, I take them.

Effortlessly, he pulls me up onto the bull with him, my back pressed to his chest, his hard body folding in around me. “Put your hands here,” he whispers in my ear as he leans forward to show me.

I do as he asks, excitement curling in my stomach. I feel Rusty drag my hair away from my neck just before his lips touch my skin. My ni**les pucker reflexively.

“Do you know how much I wanted to be up here with you tonight?” He pushes his h*ps against my butt. I can feel how hard he is, just as hard as I knew he would be. “Watching you arch your back,” he says, trailing his fingers down my spine, causing me to bow outward. His hand rises back up to the band of my bra, his fingers easily unsnapping it. Slowly, he runs his palms up to my neck and then down over my shoulders, not stopping until he brushes my fingertips, pushing off my top. “I kept imagining how hard your ni**les would be if I were touching them while you rode this bull.”

He cups both br**sts in his hands and squeezes. My breath hitches in my throat and heat puddles between my legs.

“I know you were wishing I was up here with you, too. I could see it in every sway of your hips,” he murmurs against my neck, the fingers of one hand tracing circles around my nipple as his other travels down the center of my stomach. “And I know that if I could’ve touched you right then, I’d have found these wet,” he whispers, dipping his hand down into my panties and cupping my burning flesh. “Mmmm, just like this.”

The lights swirl around me, framed by the pitch black of the empty bar. I close my eyes, abandoning myself to the moment, to the feel of what Rusty’s doing to me as he slips one finger inside me.

I moan and let my head fall back against his shoulder. He rolls my nipple between finger and thumb as he thrusts the fingers of his other hand in and out of me. Long, deep movements, like the rhythm of the bull.

“I knew you’d be dripping. Watching me watch you. Wishing you were riding my c**k up here on this bull. Fantasizing about coming for me. In front of all those people. I know you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Lazily, he drags his fingers out of me to tease my cl*twith leisurely swirls. I move my h*ps against him, breathless as the familiar tension builds inside me.

I feel Rusty lean away from me before he puts his hands around my waist and lifts, turning me around on the bull to sit facing him, but not straddling him.

The look on his face is ravenous as he takes off my hat and flings it into the darkness. “Do you think there’s anyone outside right now, Jenna? Out there in the dark? Watching us through the windows?”

His lips crash down on mine before I have time to answer. His tongue licks along mine as his hands roam over my br**sts and my stomach, my back and my hips. He’s touching me everywhere except the place I need him to touch me most.

When he tears his lips away from mine, he puts his palm between my br**sts and pushes gently, urging me to lie back. I relax over the head of the bull, letting the slow, easy movements of the machine set the pace for what’s to come.

Rusty drags his hand down my stomach, not stopping until he reaches the juncture of my widely spread thighs. I feel him move my panties to one side. There’s a pause that lasts a lifetime. It’s filled with heat and electricity and wild anticipation. And then I feel the hot lick of his tongue. I buck at first, like the imitation bull beneath me might. But then I relax under his mouth, easing my legs back down over the sides of the machine, opening them wider and giving Rusty full access to my body. The blood is rushing to my head, making it swim lightly and I feel the tightening of my muscles as Rusty pushes two fingers inside me. In and out, he moves them as his tongue flickers over my sensitive flesh.

“I wonder if someone’s watching me lick you, watching my tongue when I do this,” he says, removing his fingers and replacing them with his tongue. He works it into me, penetrating me as deeply as he can, his lips pressing against my most sensitive part as he does. When he moves back up to flick the tiny muscle, sucking it briefly into his mouth, I lose my breath completely.

“Rusty,” I manage to say above the twirling lights and dizzying pleasure.

“I bet every man in this bar was wishing he could have a taste of you tonight, to taste that sweet come pour out of you onto his tongue. But I’m the only one who gets to taste you. I’m the one who gets to make you come tonight,” he says, the vibration of his words traveling through his lips and stimulating my pulsing flesh.

“Rusty, please.”

“Please what?” he asks. “Please eat you in front of whoever might be watching? Or please sit you up so you can ride me until your come runs down my c**k and onto this bull?”

I can’t think with him saying these things to me. I can’t breathe with him doing these things to me. All I can do is feel. And I feel need—need for Rusty’s body. Filling me up. Stretching me tight. Pushing me to the edge.

And I need it now.

“Please,” I repeat breathlessly.

Rusty’s hands leave me for a few seconds. But then he’s winding my legs around his waist, pulling me upright, and slamming me down onto his hard, thick length.

I cry out. A scream, torn from me. I can’t help it. Nothing has ever felt more perfect. Or more right.

Our loud moans of pleasure mingle. I can’t tell the sounds apart. I just know that there’s no better feeling in the world than Rusty, inside me. All around me. With me.

His hands are in my hair as he eases me up and down on him, deeper and deeper with each slow buck of the bull. I shudder against him when he takes my nipple into his mouth and sucks it hard against his tongue.

I knock his hat off and thread my fingers into his hair, holding him to me as he moves my body on his. “I hope someone’s watching when you come on me, Jenna,” he says hoarsely as he tugs my head back and sinks his blunt teeth into the flesh of my breast. “I want someone to see my mouth on these nipples. I want someone to see your beautiful body riding my cock. I want someone to see my fingers biting into this delicious ass.”

Just then, he leans back and flexes his hips, his fingers digging into my back side. I fall more fully onto him, taking in every long, strong inch. With that one stroke, I explode into a shower of muted sounds and blurring lights. My body spasms around his, squeezing it tight, drawing it in. Rusty grinds his h*ps into mine before he picks me up and drops me back down onto him, one, two, three times.

Rusty’s body goes rigid beneath me and I open my eyes a crack, just in time to see him throw his head back. He lets out a growl that tingles along my nerves. Then I feel the hot pulse of his cl**ax, pouring into me. I feel it inside me, all around me, as the shudder of his body vibrates through my core.

Still awash with sensation, I collapse against Rusty and we sway gently to the rhythm of the bull. After several long minutes, with only the sound of our heavy breathing piercing the quiet around us, Rusty lowers his head to meet my eyes. “Don’t ever take this away from me again,” he says softly.

“Don’t ever ask me to,” I reply. As we watch each other, the light shining down on the angles of Rusty’s face and the tenderness pouring out from the depths of his eyes, a swell of emotion overcomes me. “I love you,” I murmur.

Rusty says nothing. His eyes search mine as he reaches forward to stroke my cheek with his fingertips. Finally sliding his hand around to cup the nape of my neck, he pulls me toward him and captures my lips with his own. The kiss is sweet. Profound. Enigmatic. It says something. I’m just not sure what.


I ease open the unlocked front door of Trick’s house. I’m hoping he’s already in bed, sleeping off his zillion shots of Patron and his undoubtedly painful set of blue balls before his wedding in the morning. I close the door quietly behind me.

“You are the shittiest best friend ever!” he mumbles from the darkness.

“Holy mother of hell! You’re scared the piss out of me!” Copyright 2016 - 2024