Footsteps sounded in master bedroom and carried closer to the nursery.

Blake stood in the doorway with a silly smile on his face. “I thought I’d find the two of you in here.”

Eddie heard his father’s voice and smiled around Sam’s nipple. “Do you hear your daddy?”

Blake stepped into the room and knelt down beside the rocker. Eddie blinked his precious blue eyes and stopped sucking. “Perfect timing,” Blake said as he reached for the burp cloth on Sam’s shoulder and lifted their son into his arms.

She adjusted her clothing and noticed that Blake had changed from casual Saturday clothes to a suit and tie. “Do you have to go to the office?” It was their anniversary and their intention was to stay home for a quiet dinner.

“What husband would go to work on their first wedding anniversary?”

Eddie let out a good burp.

“Exactly,” Blake said.

“Then why the change?”

“I have a surprise.”

Sam stood and narrowed her eyes. “What kind of surprise?”

“You’ll see.”

He took her hand and led her down the stairs and into the formal living room.

The smell of flowers arrested her nose before she walked in. Then she saw them. Blake’s Mother and Gwen, Jordan and the personal nurse they’d hired to care for her in their home, Carter, Eliza, and all of their house staff. “What’s going on?”

“Surprise,” Jordan waved from her wheelchair.

“I thought surprise parties were only for birthdays, not anniversaries.”

Linda moved to Blake’s side. “Where is my beautiful grandson?” She took Eddie from Blake’s arms, leaned over, and kissed both Samantha’s cheeks in greeting.

Blake tucked Samantha into his arm. “They are all here for more than just an anniversary party.”

“They are?”

“Yep. They’re here for a wedding.”

Now she was confused.

Sam looked around the room and didn’t see anyone paired up. Carter, Gwen, and Eliza were the only young eligibles in the room, and they were positioned far apart from each other.



“Okay, I know pregnancy fried a few of my brain cells, but last I looked, we’re already married.”

Blake leaned forward and kissed the confusion away. When he lifted his lips from hers, he explained. “Last year we deprived all of our friends and family of witnessing our elopement. We both know the reason as to why… but I don’t want anyone to question my love for you ever again. From this anniversary forward, we are going to renew our vows in a different state each year.”

Sam displayed her guppy mouth. “Every year?”

“Isn’t that romantic?” Gwen asked at her side.

“And when we run out of states, we’ll move on to Europe.”

A crazy rush of tears gathered behind Sam’s eyes as she stared at her incredible, loving husband. “You’re nuts. You know that, right?”

“I used more choice words than that,” Carter said.

“Don’t use them now. There’s a baby in the room.” Eliza waved a finger in Carter’s direction and was met with a wink.

“A wedding on each anniversary?”

Blake nodded once. “As simple or elaborate as you wish. Every other year one of us plans it, or maybe we’ll give the job to someone else to figure out.”

Gwen clapped her hands. “Oh, I want next year. I have the perfect theme for a Texas wedding.”


“I’ll take Hawaii on your fifth,” Eliza chimed in.

Oh, lord, this crackpot group was jumping in feet first. Much like she did when she said ‘I do’ to Blake the first time.

“What the heck. I’m in.”

“That’s my girl.” Blake pulled her closer, the heat and comfort of his arms wound around her like a blanket.

“I’ll tell the minister we’re almost ready,” Eliza said as she walked away.

“I’ll check on the caterer.” Mary started toward the kitchen.

“When did you plan all of this?” Sam asked as their family and friends filed out of the room.

“You and Eddie nap a lot.”

Sam laughed and shortly after tried hiding a yawn behind her hand. “The doctor said Eddie should be sleeping through the night by the third month.”

Blake kissed her forehead. “Just don’t fall asleep before you say I do.”

Samantha placed her palm on the side of Blake’s face and lifted up on her tiptoes. “Oh, I do! A thousand times over, I do!” Then she sealed her vow with a butterfly-inducing kiss.

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