He tugged her from the room, down the massive hall, and out the front door. “Where are we going?” This was a carefree Blake she liked seeing when he allowed himself to relax.


“Cryptic much?” she asked. “Where?”

“You’ll see.”

Instead of leading her to a car, he walked her down to the stables. “You said you rode, right?”

They’d had the conversation about horses after they’d arrived at Albany. “I do, but it’s been a long time.”

“Where we’re going isn’t far.”

The sun was making a rare appearance and the warm air and birds flying around helped lift the stress from Samantha’s shoulders. At the stable, two horses were already saddled and ready. Blake thanked the young man who’d readied their mounts and then whispered something into the kid’s ear that Samantha couldn’t hear.

The boy blushed, sent Samantha a quick glance, and then turned away. “Yes, sir,” he told Blake.

“Need a hand getting on?” Blake asked her.

The chestnut horse eyed her suspiciously as she approached. After a couple of pets, the mare managed a snort as if to say, whatever.

“I might need a leg up.”

Blake cupped his hands for her use for leverage. After a couple of tries, she was on the back of the horse with reins in hand.

Like a seasoned rider, Blake mounted in one clean swoop, his back rod straight as he led them from the stable and out into the fresh air.

“So what is this horse’s name?” Samantha asked as they led the horses across the wide-open space behind Albany Hall.

“I think it’s Maggie.”

“And yours?”


Tilting her head back, Samantha laughed. “Maggie sounds slow and Blaze sounds fast.”

Blake winked at her. “Exactly.”

“I told you I knew how to ride. No need to put me on the grandmother in the barn.” Maggie tossed her head back, causing both Blake and Samantha to chuckle.

“I don’t think she liked that,” he suggested. “You told me you hadn’t ridden in quite a while. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for a broken anything if you’re thrown.”

Sam stretched over the neck of her horse and patted the coat behind Maggie’s ear. “You won’t throw me, will you?”

“She wouldn’t dare.”

Samantha considered kicking the horse into something faster than a walk, but didn’t have any idea where they were headed.

“When was the last time you rode?” Blake asked.

“Before…” She let the word hang there for a moment. As if Blake would know its meaning. For many years, everything in her life was either before the fall of her family, or after.

Samantha noticed Blake watching her patiently. “Before my father went to prison. Before my mother’s death. Before Dan. Before Jordan’s suicide attempt. Jordan and I used to ride all the time.” The memory of her sister on a horse made her smile.

“Who’s Dan?”

Had she said his name? “Dan was the snake I dated in college.”

“There’s a story behind that.”

Blake didn’t press her for answers. Maybe that was why she didn’t have a problem opening up to him. “Dan dated me to learn more about my father. He worked for the Feds.”

Blake’s expression turned to stone. “He slept with you to get to your dad?”

The anger in his voice put a smile on her face. It was so nice to have someone see it her way. “Slept with me, told me he loved me. Women aren’t the only ones who lie to get what they want.”

“That must have hurt.”

She remembered those days, the pain, the deception. “I guess you know now why I have a hard time trusting people.”

“I should be honored that you trust me.”

“Damn right.” She laughed and sent him a wink. They weren’t out on this beautiful day to walk though her past.

Blake brought his horse closer to hers, reached for her hand, and brought the back of it to his lips for a small kiss.

Her heart lunged in her chest and cracked wide open. Try as she might, she couldn’t help but compare her feelings for him to the man she once claimed to love. The two didn’t belong on the same planet.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked, changing the subject.

Blake slid a glance over his shoulder, a smirk played on his lips. “You don’t do surprises very well, do you?”

“I do… it’s just… okay, no. I don’t do surprises. Where are we going?”

Blake pointed to a patch of trees about a mile away. “There’s a cottage by a stream where I thought we’d enjoy a quiet lunch.”

Samantha allowed her shoulders to slump and a silly grin to grace her lips. “That’s sweet.”

“That’s me, Mr. Sweet.”

He was being sarcastic, but she thought title worked. “Just beyond those trees, huh?”

“Yep.” He kept his horse at a walk. His thighs hugged the flanks of the animal he rode and drew Samantha’s gaze to him once again. Blake’s strong profile, and broad shoulders that tapered to his perfect behind made her mouth water. The thought of the cottage, with privacy, popped in her mind.

“How long will it take us to get there?”

“Half an hour at most.”

“Hmmm.” Then, without warning, Samantha kicked Maggie and held on as the horse lurched ahead.

“Sam?” Blake was calling her name behind her.

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