He pulls his hand back, taking the rose with it. “Did you get the others?”

I sigh. “I did. Thank you.”

It’s the lamest show of gratitude I’ve ever made, but it’s impossible to fake being happy over receiving them, especially since my initial reaction to them was anger.

His hand holding the rose falls limply to his side and he shoves his other hand into his hair. “This isn’t going anything like I envisioned.”

It’s almost as if he only meant to think that last statement instead of saying it aloud, because his eyes snap to mine the moment I fire back, “What exactly did you expect, Ace? Did you think that just because you decide to acknowledge my presence again that I would just be so glad that you’ve finally come to me that I’d just jump right into your arms? No fucking questions asked? Do you not know me at all?” Tears leak out of my eyes and I bat them away. “Fuck you, Ace. Just fuck you, all right. I poured my heart out to you over and over again and you didn’t give a damn.”

Pain flickers across his face. “That’s where you’re wrong. I stayed away because I did give a damn. You told me to leave. I was just doing what you asked me to do.”

“I told you to leave to protect you!” I shout, causing a few passersby to jerk their heads in our direction. “It killed me to lie to you—to say things that hurt you, but I didn’t know another way. I was hoping you’d call me out and see through my bullshit, but I understand why you ran. I didn’t expect you to accept my apology easily, but it tore my heart apart when every time I reached out to you, you rejected me. Even after you sang ‘Juliet, Forgive Me,’ I’ve heard nothing from you until today. I just don’t want to be hurt anymore.”

This time it’s him who allows the tears to fall. He stares at me like I’ve just punched him in the gut and left him gasping for air. I’m glad he’s here to know just how pissed off I am. He deserves to see how much he’s hurt me.

He stares into my eyes as he says, “I know that I fucked up, okay? I knew it the moment I got on my bike and left that it would change everything between us, but damn it, it didn’t make me stop wanting you—needing to be with you. I’m sorry I hurt you, but you hurt me too, and I handled things all wrong by staying away.”

His eyes glisten as he closes the distance between us and touches my face. “Forgive me, please. I love you and I don’t want to live without you anymore. The taste of you still lingers on my lips, and no matter how much I tried to make myself forget about you, I couldn’t. We were made for each other. I know staying away for so long makes that hard to believe, but it’s the God’s honest truth. You’ve worked your way into my soul, and I’m afraid that you’ve etched yourself onto my heart permanently.”

My heart bangs in my chest as I close my eyes to allow my brain to absorb everything he’s just said. It feels so good to hear him admit that he wants me too—that he’s been hurting just like I have, but even with his sweet plea for forgiveness, I still have my doubts.

“How do I know when things get hard that you won’t run off again? My heart won’t survive going through this kind of break again,” I whisper.

“You’ll have to trust me,” he says. “I know that’s a lot to ask, but the only way that I can prove to you that I’m never going anywhere again is for you to let me back into your life. I will never leave your side again. I swear it.”

Strong fingers wrap around my waist as he pulls me into him. “Please, Iris. I’m begging you.”

My eyes lock on a set of russet ones. They are the same eyes I once stared into while the man I love held me in his arms. Tears run down my cheeks and I feel my resolve wavering. I know it’s a risk, but right now I can’t deny that I’m in love with this man.

“You’ve got a lot of making up to do,” I tell him with a small smile.

His eyes brighten, and he attempts to fight back a smile as he cups my face. “I’m willing to put in the work. You’re worth it.”

“I’m not going to make it easy, you know,” I threaten, causing him to laugh.

“I would be disappointed if you did.” This time his glorious grin comes at me in full force. “You were amazing tonight.”

I raise my brow. “You saw the show?”

He nods. “I wouldn’t have missed this for anything. You took my breath away when you sang. You were perfection.”

“Kiss her already!” someone walking by on the street shouts at us, reminding me that we aren’t alone in this tender reunion.

“I love you,” he whispers. “Forever.”

I bite my lip. “I love you too.”

Ace grins and then plants his lips on mine. Instantly I melt into him, enjoying the taste of his lips while we show the world a kiss that would rival any on-screen scene and begin the sequel to our own epic romance.

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