I melt into his hands. “I love you too, Ace, so very much.”

Ace leans forward and presses his lips to mine. “‘My bounty is as boundless as the sea. My love as deep. The more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.’”

I grin. “We’re meant to be just like all the star-crossed lovers you read about.”

His thumbs rub the skin on my flushed cheeks. “I couldn’t agree more. Only we won’t end tragically, because we’ll find a way to make this work.”

Lying there, wrapped in Ace’s arms, I sigh contentedly. My mind drifts to all the lyrics to love songs where people sing about chucking it all just to be with the person they love, and I find myself agreeing with them. I never imagined loving someone could feel like this—that it could make me feel so complete. I can’t think of anything that I’ve ever wanted more than this.

In this moment, our love feels never ending.

Ace strokes the hair on my head, and it’s so relaxing I close my eyes and simply enjoy his touch.

“Iris?” Ace’s voice breaks through the silence that fills the room.

“Hmm.” I turn and place my hand on his bare chest and then rest my chin on top of it so I can look him in the eye.

“I think, after hearing what Mr. Stern said, I should go face the record label.”

My eyes widen, and the sleepiness I felt moments ago goes away as this sudden change of heart from him shocks me. After seeing his reaction to what the lawyer said, I thought going back was the last thing Ace would ever do. “Why? I mean what’s changed?”

His chest rises as he takes in a deep breath and then pushes it out through his nose. “You. You’ve changed everything for me.”

“Me?” I ask, completely confused. “What does being with me have to do with your music career?”

“Nothing and yet everything.” He traces absentminded circles on my shoulder. “I want to be with you. I don’t want to have to hide. I want our life together to be easy and uncomplicated. If I continue to run, it’ll put stress on our relationship at some point. I don’t want you to resent me for taking you away from everything. So, I think once I talk to Mr. Stern again to find out just how deep in shit I am, I’m going to make plans to go back to California for a while to get everything sorted out. Once the spotlight dies down and I get shit settled, I’ll come back for you.”

I shake my head. “I don’t like that plan. It involves us being apart. I want to come with you.”

“I know, baby, but you’ve got a life here, taking care of all the people here. Let’s not forget you’ve got Broadway waiting on you. I don’t want you being with me to affect you in any way, including your possible career. Once you go back and try to make it in show business, some directors will cast you simply because of your relationship with me, while others will shun you for the exact same reason.”

I grimace. “Do you really believe that’s what would happen?”

He nods. “The entertainment industry is a fickle business. Everyone involved in it is out to make a buck, and if they believe they can make cash off of controversy surrounding you, they’ll cast you simply for that. No one is really your friend. No matter how much they lie to you and tell you that they are. If you weren’t so damn talented and if it wasn’t your dream, I would discourage you wholeheartedly from even entertaining the idea of going into show business. But I won’t, because I know how much this means to you, and I’d be a dick not to cheer you on and give you the best possible shot at realizing your dream. So, trust me when I say keeping it secret that we’re together is best for now.”

I sigh, hating the idea of not being with him, but his reasoning makes sense. I would hate to cause problems for my career before it even starts. As much as I would love to argue and come up with a snappy comeback proving his theory wrong, I know tabloid gossip and the Internet can wreak all kinds of havoc on a person’s life. It wouldn’t be farfetched to entertain the idea that it would do the same to someone like me.

“How long do you think it will take for you to take care of everything?”

He shrugs. “I’m not sure.”

I frown, not liking that he can’t give me some idea about a timeline. “What am I supposed to do without you while you’re out in California getting things straightened out?”

“What were your plans before you met me?” Ace asks.

I furrow my brow. “Before you, I had plans to wrap things with Gran’s estate, leave Adele in charge, and get back to New York as quick as possible. Broadway is my dream, and I still want that . . .” I hesitate. “But I want you more.”

He gives me a sad smile. “You shouldn’t stop going after your dream because I’m in the picture. I don’t ever want to hold you back, and we’ll be back together before you know it.”

I shake my head. “I don’t like this. I don’t like us being apart.”

Ace sighs. “I won’t make any rash decisions. I’ll stay here with you until we get the tax situation fixed, and then when you go back to New York, I’ll go back to California. After I get everything worked out, I’ll come to you. We’ll live together in New York.”

I smile, liking that idea much more. “That’s a plan I think I can live with, as long as you promise to hurry back to me as soon as you can.”

He kisses the top of my head. “I don’t think I could stay away from you any longer than I ever had to.”

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