“Just relax. I’ve got you,” Vic murmured near her ear.

A shiver of pure excitement rippled through her, mixing with her anxiety. Their bodies pressed so tightly together that she could almost feel the vibrations from his low, rumbling voice resonating from his chest to her back. It thrilled her to feel the big, powerful horse moving beneath her, but it was the male animal behind her that made her heart pound even harder than it had when Vic had first plopped her in the saddle before him.

“It feels so strange,” Niall muttered as Vic slightly shifted the reins again and Traveler obligingly turned onto one of the horse paths that led out of the stables. A warm, wonderful feeling pervaded her when she heard Vic’s soft laughter.

“Strange bad or strange good?”

“Strange good, I think,” she replied in a hushed voice, still trying to absorb the myriad unusual sensations that barraged her.

Vic’s big hand spread across her waist and belly, pushing her even more snugly into him. Niall bit her lower lip so as not to moan at the exquisite sensation of being held so tightly in his embrace.

“Don’t fight the movement of the horse,” he breathed close to her ear, causing goose bumps to rise on her neck. “Move with it, Niall. The horse doesn’t just carry you, it’s a joint venture. That’s why they call it riding,” he added with a chuckle that made her nipples tighten.

But despite her excitement and her desire to please Vic, her muscles were still tense and rigid from the abruptness and novelty of the experience. She gave a muffled cry of alarm when Vic encouraged the horse to increase its pace.

“Shhh,” he soothed softly next to her ear. “Just focus on Traveler’s rhythm. Feel it with your body.”

It was Vic’s body that Niall focused on almost exclusively, however, even as the landscape rolled past her vision at an alarming speed. As if Vic had read her mind, he lifted her body slightly so that her thighs partially rested on his. Niall’s eyes went wide. She whimpered. The new position also placed her pussy directly on Vic’s balls and the root of his penis. She was painfully aware that she didn’t want to jostle and crush that sensitive part of him with her body weight. The realization forced her to match the rhythm of both the animal and the man.

“That’s a girl,” Vic muttered huskily. “Now you’re riding.”

Pride swelled in her breast even as arousal spread in her sex like a molten river flowing out to every cell in her body. It felt so good, so singularly hot to move to the primitive tempo that the horse set while Vic’s hard, male body surged and settled rhythmically beneath her own. She could easily sense his tension and arousal. His cock pressed into the furrow of her ass cheeks like a stiff, straining pillar. Traveler’s movements beneath them created tiny, electrical pulsations against Niall’s increasingly sensitive sex. The friction built until it was nearly unbearable when Vic prompted Traveler to go even faster.

Niall moaned in agony. Sweat beaded her upper lip and chest. The world flew past her, but all she was aware of was the man who held her so tightly against him, rocking her against his steely, hot flesh until she thought she would explode.

“Vic, please . . .” she muttered helplessly.

“I know. We’re headed back,” he said in a strained tone. Niall vaguely recognized that he’d turned Traveler around and that they were approaching the stables at a rapid clip.

She existed inside a sun-gilded world of voluptuous excitement and sinuous movement. She’d never been as sexually excited in her life as she was when Traveler slowed outside the stables. Her arousal felt like some kind of biological imperative that she couldn’t have denied any more than she could will herself to stop breathing.

“Donny!” Vic swung his leg over the back of the enormous horse and lowered himself to the ground in one swift movement that he made look as easy as walking. Niall gasped when he reached up, grabbed her by the waist, and brought her down next to him with nearly as much ease. Her eyes widened when she looked up and saw how rigid his face was . . . how greatly his light eyes glowed with lust.

She wasn’t even aware that Donny ran up behind them until Vic spoke.

“See to Traveler, please,” he said tersely before he grasped Niall’s hand in his and pulled her toward the cottage.

Niall felt dazed as she stood in Vic’s dim, cool kitchen and watched him shut the front door and lock it with a decisive flip of his wrists.

“No interruptions,” he said with a pointed look when he turned to face her.

“No interruptions,” Niall agreed wholeheartedly before she stepped into his arms.


She strained up to find his mouth, groaning in immense satisfaction when he dipped his head and met her with equal hunger. The taste of his salty sweat on her tongue caused a fever to sweep through her. She gave herself wholly to the exquisite sensations that flooded her body, pressing her achy nipples into Vic’s hard chest, rubbing her hips and thighs against his muscles, pulsing her pussy and belly against his cock, which strained tightly against denim. Without ever making a conscious decision to do so, she stepped back slightly and began to rip frantically at the fly of his jeans. An unbearable torment plagued her, and Niall knew only Vic’s cock plunging deep inside of her would assuage that hurt.

Vic broke their kiss roughly when she shoved down his fitted, dark blue cotton boxer briefs and fisted the pillar of his penis. Tears sprinkled down her cheek at the blessed, familiar sensation of his teeming, heavy, hot flesh in her hand.

“I want you so much,” she confessed shakily as she looked up at him through the shimmering window of her tears.

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