"My shoulder hurts. I pulled a muscle moving this trunk." Caitlin resisted telling Garrett her shoulder was slightly burned. He would rush her to the hospital and she wanted to stay here with what remained from her home. Caitlin feared if she left, the trunk would disappear.

They looked through photo albums, pictures of Caitlin as a young girl, her first horse ride, riding a bike, Fourth of July picnics, and the town festivals. "You were a very fortunate and lucky young lady?'

"How do you mean?"

"Look at these wonderful memories you have. Emmaline and Marshall were wonderful parents and grandparents. You grew up in the best place I have ever known with love and respect for your friends and neighbors. It doesn't get any better."

She took a few minutes and remembered her grandparents. Yes, she had the memories, but was it enough? Each day they seemed to drift further away, their faces becoming nothing more than a haze. Their voices lingered, but with the house gone had their stories disappeared?

"What's this?" Garrett said pulling out a notebook. Caitlin shrugged. "Never saw it before," she said, her voice almost gone. She flipped through the pages and stopped when she saw her name across the one page. "Caitlin's wedding dress," it said across the top with the drawing underneath. Tears fell onto her cheeks. She hurried to wipe so they did not fall on the drawing. "Grandma kept her promise," Caitlin said, barely whispering.

"What promise?"

"She designed my wedding dress." Caitlin closed the notebook. She did not know if they would ever marry, but if they did she did not want him seeing the sketch. Garrett smiled as he watched Caitlin tuck the book underneath a quilt and put everything away.

"Thank you for sharing your memories with me." He joined her on the floor. "Sorry I got angry with you, but when I saw you run into the house my heart collapsed. If I had lost you…" Caitlin held his hand and squeezed. "I didn't. I believe Marshall protected you tonight."

Caitlin nodded knowing her voice was gone. When he opened his arms, she went to him. Leaned against his chest, his strong arms around her, Caitlin knew she was safe. She never wanted to leave his side. He gently rocked her, soothing her frazzled nerves. "Time for you to rest," he said, leading her upstairs. Alone in the guest room, fiery images flashed around her. She crawled into bed and pulled the covers up to her chin, but the images pounced upon her like a cat. She realized tonight would never be forgotten. Somehow, someday she would discover who purposely destroyed her dreams.

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