Putting on Garrett's clothes, Caitlin cried. "I just lost my house and I'm crying over clothes." Caitlin sank to the floor and held her head in her hands. "Granddaddy, help me understand this tragedy."

The idea of staying in the bathroom forever sounded promising. The idea quickly vanished with the realization that life goes on. "I was mean to him. Will he forgive me?"

Halfway downstairs she heard plates clanking on the table and voices. She paused on the steps, unsure if she wanted to see him. Part of her wanted to crawl into bed and not get up for weeks. Her head dropped forward and tears spilled from her eyes. She quickly dried her cheeks, took a deep breath, which made her cough and groan, and then she met up with Garrett in the kitchen.

"Feel better?" Garrett asked his hair still damp from his shower.

"Not really," she said her voice raspy.

Jen rushed over and comforted her. "Listen, Cait. I'm going to get you some clothes that fit better." She took a deep breath and then wiped her nose. They hugged and Caitlin refused to let go, lest she lose her best friend too. "I'll see you soon," Jen said. They pulled apart and smiled through tears. Jen left with the promise of returning soon. It did not even come close to filling the void in Caitlin's heart.

"Here, iced tea," Garrett said when it was the two of them.

"Thanks." The cold soothed her throat and helped discard the acrid taste in her mouth, but she still felt miserable. She tried to eat a sandwich but nothing tasted good. That's when she noticed her bracelet was gone. "My bracelet. Where is it?"

"Did you take it off before showering?"

"No. I never take it off. We have to find it."

"Calm down, sweetie. It's a bracelet."

"This has been the worst night of my life and you're telling me to calm down." Her voice was raspy and low. "That bracelet means more to me than Grandma Emmaline's trunk. Will you please help me find it?"

They searched the house, the truck, outside, but to no avail. The bracelet had vanished. Caitlin sank onto the porch step. "What if I lost it in the fire?"

"I'll buy you another one."

"It's not the same." Caitlin rubbed her head and tried to keep the tears from falling. Her throat hurt so much but she had more to tell Garrett. "I'm sorry. My head is spinning and I don't know which way is up."

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