Caitlin shook her head. "Wait, I rendered you incapable of speaking," he said. "What would happen if I did this?" He cupped her chin and then planted a firm, yet loving kiss on her lips. When he pulled away, she stared in confusion but admiration.

"What am I going to do with you? Are you trying to ruin my reputation?" she said.

"No. I'm trying to show you and tell you that I care about you and want you in my life. It's time others know too. Okay?"

"Okay." Garrett and Caitlin sat on the bench, holding hands. Whatever possessed him Caitlin may never know, but she would never complain.

"It was Marshall's doing," he said as if he had read her mind. "After Barbara left, I brooded for weeks. He stopped by my ranch and moved towards me like a soldier marching into battle. 'Get off your butt and stop fretting' over that you-know-what. You bellyached while she was here, and now you're angry because you have nothing to bellyache over. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and run this ranch the way I taught you.'

"We talked horses and all was right. I learned not to look back and live each day to the fullest and not keep things until later. We've wasted enough time, and now it's time to enjoy each day with each other."

She stared deep into his eyes, feeling the warmth and love radiating from within. My granddaddy was a smart man. "Hey, you two."

"Jen." Caitlin jumped up hugging her best friend. "You look great. I have missed you."

"Me too. Listen, I'm sorry for interrupting." The quizzical expression in her arched eyebrow said she wanted answers. "What's going on?" she asked glancing between the two.

Garrett excused himself and Jen took his place. "You better explain, girlfriend."

So Caitlin filled her in on everything. "Wow. Wow. It's about time. Why didn't you call me? I can't believe you would keep this from me, your best friend."

"Jen, it just happened and it still seems unreal. One minute he's saying all the right words and the way he looks at me lets me believe he does care, but we rarely kiss."

"He's shy. Give him time. Now I'm wondering about Romeo."


"Scott, the other man."

"He left town."

"What are you hiding?"

"It's a long story and I promise to tell you later, but for now can we focus on the festival and having a great time?" Copyright 2016 - 2025