She sneaked out of the house and drove to the Junction. When he opened the door the look did not show his friendly side. "It's dangerous for you to be here. Go home."

"Not until you tell me who Forrester MacKay is."

Scott peeked outside and ushered her in. After the door closed he locked it. "We could play twenty questions, but I'm tired of the games. Mackay's my step dad."

Caitlin exhaled louder than she wanted to, but she finally had one piece of the puzzle. "Why does he want my land?"

"I haven't figured that one out, yet. Trust me, Mackay doesn't say more than he needs too. I'm trying to convince him otherwise."

"No luck?"

"None. I'm trying, Caitlin. Honest. He's stubborn and egotistical. He's not much of a listener, especially where I'm concerned." Scott turned and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Remember that day we worked on the barn together and I told you the only business men I knew were ruthless and cunning? That's my stepfather to a tee. All I want to do is work in construction. I'm good at it, but no one will hire me because of my stepdad. I've tried moving away, but his name follows me everywhere I go. I can't get rid of him."

"Let me get this straight. I was supposed to meet with your stepdad."

He nodded.

"Did he hire someone to burn down my house?"

His refusal to answer gave her the only answer she ever really sought. She considered her options and how her granddaddy would have handled this situation. Minutes passed as she paced the small, dark and musty room. "Set up the meeting, again" she finally said, looking directly at Scott.

"No way."

"Do it or I will. I'm tired of this and I want a chance to speak my mind to this idiot you call stepfather." She picked up the phone. "This way we both get what we want."


"Do you trust me?"

He grabbed the phone and held tight to her. His hand dropped and he ran it through his short, silky light brown hair and then rested it on the back of his neck. "What does Garrett say?"

"He doesn't know," she said matter-of-factly.

Scott grabbed her arm and led her to his truck. She wondered where he was taking her, but knew nothing would cut through the thick silence engulfing them. When they pulled into the Second Chance, Caitlin grabbed the door handle. Nausea rose into her throat and she swallowed hard trying to make it go down. She had never meant to get Garrett involved too, but this was her life and the only way she knew to put this in the past and move forward. Copyright 2016 - 2025