She had just gotten relaxed enough and had fallen asleep when she heard sirens. the Kansas State Patrol had pulled ove the truck and trailer and was talking to the man driving it. He told the officer that he had not seen her and he was delivering the metal to a scrap pile place in Nevada City. She thought exactly where I am headed.and if they don't find me I'll get to Nevada City where I might be able to find my real family. She thought oh whata happy day that will be. She promised God and herself if that was possible she would never act up again

​Down the road aways the driver saw a hand poking out from under a tarp with a coffee can and pouring liquid out onto the highway. He stopped a few feet from there and with a gun pulled out ordered whoever was under the tarp to show themselves. He stated he had a gun and wasn't afraid to use it so they better show there hands and keep them up where he could see them. She obeyed his command and he noticed that she was the picture the patrol officer had shown him. He told her to get back under the tarp and he knew a place down the road aways where he could pull over and talk.

​ When he pulled over among some trees where they weren't visable from the road he asked her what are you doing in my trailer. Audrey told him she had seen the Nevada license plate and was trying to get to her grandfather's place. She told him most of her life story leaving out the bad things that some of her foster parents had done she mentioned that her grandfather was a gold miner and was the owne of the .Audrey Hills Gold mine. He looked amazed and asked her to repeat the name of the gold mine which she did and then stated that she had the deed to it if it was still up and running. he told her no it isn't now and it has been boarded up and bushes covered the entrance to the mine or at least the biggest entrance that there was still a smaller entrance that had bushes also in front of it but they were easy to navigate around them to the opening of it. He stated he knew what he was talking about because he works in the Nevada City Gold claim office plus his father and him were very good friends of her grandfather before he past away a couple of years ago and on his death bed he made them promised that if she ever showed up and needed help that they would help and he was only picking up the metal that the railway had hired his brother to do but during a hunting trip he had fallen out of a tree and hurt himself and he was on vacation and said he would do that job for him. He told her that she probably was safer in the trailer's corner where nobody could see her and secured it a little better. Copyright 2016 - 2025