"Sam, you need help. I can get you into a good facility, but you have to tell me what's going on."

"I don't know! Someone keeps giving me these clues. I don't know who or why. But you have to believe me that someone is going to die if don't do something."

"I'll talk with the locals and see about beefing up security for this thing. That's the best I can do. But then you have to come back to Dallas with me to figure this out."

"That's not good enough, sir. A couple extra beat cops won't stop this guy. I have to be there."

"That's not going to happen, Young."

"Sir, please. I know I've been a mess these last few years, but you have to believe I would never murder anyone." She leaned forward with tears in her eyes. "I would never do that to Steve or Judy. They were my friends."

"Sam, I want to believe you, but you're in a lot of hot water here. I can't let you walk out of here-"

"Give me until eight o'clock tonight. That's all I ask."

He considered this for a moment and finally nodded. "All right, Sam. I can buy you a few hours, but that's it."

"Thank you, sir. I'll find this guy."

"You'd better, Young. My ass is on the line now."

"You can count on me, sir." She patted him on the shoulder on the way out and then hurried to the elevator. In two hours Herschowitz would take the stage.

She flagged down an actual cab this time. On the way to the hotel, she kept looking back for anyone following her. He wouldn't do that, she thought. He'd known her for a long time. She didn't know how long exactly, but too long to betray her.

She raced through the hotel's lobby up to the front desk. "I need the room number for William Herschowitz," she said, holding up her badge. The desk clerk gave her the number and she bolted for the elevator.

Before the elevator doors closed, she caught a glimpse of a woman striding through the lobby in a hurry. Her wild black mane and cocoa-colored skin seemed familiar to Samantha. Had she seen the woman before? She didn't know.

The woman continued to trouble Samantha as the doors opened on the seventh floor. She went down the hall to Herschowitz's room and knocked. "Dr. Herschowitz, this is Agent Young of the FBI. I need a moment of your time." She waited a moment, but heard nothing from inside. "Please, sir, this is important. You're in danger." Still nothing.

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