Unlike Prudence, Wendell looked almost unchanged since Samantha last saw him. He was still not much taller than a child, although he had cultivated a thin beard. He wiped grime and sweat off his face and hands before hugging Samantha. "Molly said you were back. At first I thought it was one of her stories, but you really are here."

"It's good to see you again," she said. "It's amazing what you've done here."

"A little ingenuity and a lot of work, that's all we needed," he said. "There's nothing we can't do when we put our minds to it."

"I won't disagree with you there. I'm sure Joe could use your help at the laboratory."

"Thanks, but we're pretty happy here. Most of us."


"There've been a handful who left, seeking greener pastures. We figure there's no danger in letting them go now that it's gone," Prudence said. She tousled Molly's curly hair. "Why don't you and Jackie go play so the grown-ups can talk?"

Molly took Jackie's hand, dragging her off before Jackie could protest. They waited until her excited babbling had faded away before finding a secluded bench to sit down. Samantha and Prudence sighed with relief as one. "What about it?" Samantha asked. "Are you sure it's gone?"

"I excavated it myself last year," Wendell said. "I did it at night so no one would know. There isn't anything left. Not even a drop."

"I guess that's for the best," Samantha said. Prudence and Wendell nodded at this assessment. She didn't let on to Joseph, but there were mornings when she woke up worrying she might find herself a little girl again. This had become worse since she found out she was pregnant. With the Fountain of Youth truly gone, perhaps now the nightmares would go with it.

Samantha rested both hands on her stomach, feeling the reassuring kick of her baby again. "There's something I wanted to ask you. I hope you don't mind, but I didn't come here just for a visit."

Prudence took one of her hands. "Whatever it is, I'm sure we won't mind. You're my sister, after all."

"Well, Joseph and I are finally getting married. Officially, that is. We've been pretty much married for the last eight years, but now we've got all the paperwork ready." She stopped to take a deep breath, fighting down her sudden nervousness. "We're going to sign the papers at the courthouse in Bangor in a few weeks and I was hoping you two might come as witnesses. If Prudence can travel."

"Oh my, yes! Of course we will," Prudence said. She put an arm around Samantha's shoulder and squeezed. "This is wonderful news. I can't believe it." They began to cry at the same time, the tide of hormones driving them into a frenzy of sobbing. "I'm so happy for you," Prudence said.

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