"Who are Helena and Phyllis?" one of the other boys asked.

"She probably made them up."

"I did not. You saw them earlier. They were with Joseph and I. She killed them and now she's going to kill him."

One of the boys tousled her hair roughly. "Sure. We believe you. We'll go stop that evil witch right now. Where's my magic sword and armor?"

The boys laughed at this. Molly's face turned red as she tried not to cry in front of them. "Please, you have to believe me. Joseph is in danger and so are all the rest of us."

"Right, we're all in terrible danger." The boys snickered.

"Why won't you believe me?" Molly said. She could no longer hold the tears back. "I'm not lying."

"Uh oh, looks like the baby is getting cranky."

"I think she needs a nap." The boys dragged her into the nearest building-Prudence's shop-and threw her onto a pile of rags. She tried to get to her feet, but they shoved her down. "Baby is getting fussy. Maybe we should get her a bottle."

"I'm not a baby and I'm not making this up! Go see the bodies for yourself! They're-" The rest of her words were cut off when one of the boys stuffed a rag into her mouth. They bound her hands and feet then so she couldn't move.

In a mocking voice they sang her a lullaby until she closed her eye and pretended to sleep. "Oh look, Baby is finally all pooped out."

"I bet by tomorrow she'll really be pooped." The boys all laughed at this on their way out of the shop. Molly waited until the door closed before she opened her eyes. She tried to stand up, but they'd tied the rags too tightly for her to move. This can't be happening, she thought. Joseph is going to die because of me.

The door opened then, a slim girl in a powder blue dress slipping into the shop. She glided over to Molly's side and knelt down before her. The girl pulled the gag from Molly's mouth. "Annie? You've got to help me. Veronica's gone mad. She killed Helena and Phyllis and now she'll kill Joseph."

"I know," Annie said.

"You saw?" Annie nodded. "But then why didn't you help us? We might have been able to stop her."

"What happened is what was meant to happen."

"Then why are you saving me?"

"Because it's what I must do."

"How do you know?"

Annie closed her eyes, the rest of her face tightening as though straining to hear a distant voice. "I hear it speaking to me. The fountain. Ever since Veronica started to use it. Do you think everything that's happened here has occurred by chance? It's guiding us to our final destiny and you, Molly, have played the greatest role in shaping that fate." Annie opened her eyes and patted Molly on the cheek. "On the outside you are a small child, but inside your soul is much older, almost ancient. Even in this body you can still act as grown-up as you want. Remember that."

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