"Forgive me for bothering you on this fine day, but I fear I've lost my way," he says. "I'm looking for the road to Sussex. Might you happen to know the way?"

"Oh, well, you need to go back into town and head east. It's about twenty miles down the road I suppose."

"Thank you, Miss-"

"Chapman. Prudence Chapman."

"Thank you, Miss Chapman." The man swings off his horse and reaches out to take Prudence's hand. She flinches until he kisses her fingers as though she is royalty. "My name is Rodney Gooddell. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance." She tries to pull her hand away, but doesn't have the strength. "I don't suppose I could escort you home. It's not safe for beautiful young ladies to walk the roads alone."

She blushes at this. No one other than her parents has ever called her beautiful since that day. Since he said it to her all those years ago. "It's kind of you to offer, but it's not very far. I shouldn't want to take any more of your time."

"It's no bother at all. I rather like it out here. I was thinking before I saw you walking along the road how nice it might be to stay out here. Buy a piece of land to farm and spend the rest of my days minding the fields. Tell me, does your husband own a farm around here?"

"Husband? Oh no, I'm not married." She rests one hand on her bulging stomach. "No one would want me."

"Now don't be silly. You're a perfectly lovely woman. When I saw you on the road, I felt as though a thunderbolt had stuck me. 'This is the kind of woman for me,' I thought to myself. The kind of woman who's chaste and modest with a good heart. I see now I am right about you."

"I'm not anything special," Prudence says. Her face is so flushed she fears passing out on the road. "I really should be going home now. It's good to meet you, Mr. Gooddell."

"I'm sorry. I've made you uncomfortable with my wild rambling. I am not usually this way, but I can't help myself today. Around you I feel so comfortable. I feel as if I've known you my entire life, although I suppose that impossible."

She knows she should walk away from him and go home, but she can't tear herself away from his eyes. Those sad eyes boring into her soul. "It is getting late. You won't be able to make Sussex today. My father has an extra room if you would like to stay with us for the night and my mother always makes a little extra food for dinner."

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