Prudence stuck her head out of the tent again, but didn't see anyone. "Where is she?" she said. Molly had been gone for over twelve hours now, ever since Prudence sent her away for some privacy. "You don't think she's left, do you?"

"Of course not. The girl's always been a bit addle-brained. She's probably lost track of the time," Rodney said.

"I don't like it. She should be back now." She put her hands to her lips as a horrible thought crossed her mind. "What if that stowaway got her? The one that tried to kill Mrs. Bloom and Miss Baker."

Rodney put an arm around her shoulder. "Now dear, you mustn't worry so. Molly is old enough to take care of herself."

"I shouldn't have sent her away like that. She can just be so irritating at times, but I shouldn't have gotten angry with her. I should have been patient with her."

"She's fine, dear. Tomorrow morning you'll wake up and she'll be right here."

"But you won't be," Prudence said.

"Prudence, please, don't get upset about this again. I didn't have any choice. The reverend would have had us start a war with the savages. I couldn't let that happen."

"We could have left this miserable place."

"The ship is ruined. It will never sail again."

"Then build a new one! There are plenty of trees around here. You don't have to do this."

He took her hand and sat her down on their bed. "I know you're worried about me, but you mustn't be. We'll only be gone for a few days and when we return it will begin a new life for everyone. We can find a place to build a house and start a family without fear or interference."

She couldn't hold back her tears any longer. "What if you don't come back? What if these savages are as vicious as Reverend Crane says? What if I never see you again?"

"You will. Of course you will. If not in this life then in the next." At this Prudence buried her face in Rodney's shoulder, her hands digging into his back. She wouldn't let go. She would keep hold of him for as long as it took to keep him from leaving this tent and going out there into the forest.

He stroked her hair and whispered, "It's all right, my dear. Everything will work out. You'll see. You and I will finally have the life we dreamed of here."

She didn't believe him. Everything wouldn't work out. She knew it. If Rodney went on this mission he would die. Without him, she didn't know what she would do. To be alone in this awful wilderness was a fate worse than death. "I want to go with you," she said. "I want to stay with you." Copyright 2016 - 2024